Please compare Ezekiel 5 which clearly does say fire with Zechariah 5 Is there a difference between the two...
The word used in Ezekiel 5 - "ur" - more so means "flame", not fire.
Issah and Es are two different hebrew words
One means woman, the other means fire
Oh don't get me wrong, indeed they are two different Hebrew words. I'm just saying I think there was a scribal error long ago with copying from the original Hebrew manuscripts that led to the Hebrew word for fire being accidentally rewritten as the word for "woman" in Zechariah 5...simply add one letter.
Aleph + Shin = word for fire
Aleph + Shin + Hah = word for woman
Of course, the Almighty is sovereign and can give any prophetic imagery He wants, I'm simply suggesting that it's possibly man's error that accidentally
altered the prophetic vision we're originally meant to see when reading the chapter in question...kind of like when Moses struck the 2nd rock at Meribah twice. He altered the prophecy by suggesting The Messiah (our rock) would be struck/crucified a second time to give us the living water.
So the vision in Zechariah 5 appears to harmonize when we replace "woman" with "fire" in the passage...but I can't really prove this was human error after thousands of years and hundreds of translations, without access to the original manuscripts.
I just thought it was a pretty cool find