Well Folks -----I Agree that the Lords Prayer is very Misunderstood -------
Many pray the Lords Prayer ---this prayer is said in Churches all the time ------
First off ----For any unbeliever praying this pray -----hate to tell you but God is not their Father ----Satan is ------and that Folks is scriptural ------
John 8:43-44 AMP
43 Why do you misunderstand what I am saying?
It is because [your spiritual ears are deaf and] you are unable to hear [the truth of] My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and it is your will to practice the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar and the father of lies
and half-truths.
Hallowed Be your name ------so Hallowed in the Hebrew means ----to make Holy
HAL'LOW, v.t.
L. calleo, to be able.
. To make holy; to consecrate; to set apart for holy or religious use.
Ex.28.29. 1 Kings 8.
I say --------So we see that this means -----to Make God's name HOLY --------
how can we make God's name HOLY _____His Name is already Holy --------
I say -----
Are you really sure that this is the meaning of the Daily Bread in this Scripture -----because it seems funny that Jesus who is alive yet is telling His Disciples
to ask for the Body of Jesus daily ---when Jesus had not died yet ------
and Jesus never had told them about the bread being his body until they sat at the Last supper ------the Disciples would not have understood what that was all about -----that would mean nothing to them at at time -----
I say ----that is is saying to the Disciples to rely on God to supply their daily Bread ---as Bread was a staple for the Jews and the scriptures talk much about God providing Manna from heaven --Bread ---to the Israelite's ---
-that the Disciples would understand
This is the Hebrew word for daily bread --
Strong's Concordance
epiousios: for the coming day, for subsistence
Usage: for the morrow, necessary, sufficient.
1967 /epioúsios ("aptly substantive") only occurs in the Lord's Prayer.
It refers to God's provision that is needed for each day (Mt 6:11; Lk 11:3) –
literally, "bread that fits (meets) the unique demands of the coming day."
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us -----
Again unbelievers saying this prayer is useless -----as they are away from God -----and God does not hear their prayers ---and that is Scriptural
I say ----In the Old Testament animal sacrifices were necessary for the forgiveness of sins ------and that was only for a year ------without the shedding of Blood there were no remissions of sin -----God may have forgiven certain people's sin who He chose to serve his purpose ---like Noah ---Abraham ---Moses ---John The Baptise ---Mary----but God put a law in place for the forgiveness of sin for the Israelite's -----
I say
Now--- today asking for God to forgive the sins of Born Again People is futile ------as our sins are already forgiven -----why would we keep asking for them to be forgiven by repeating the Prayer ----
You are actually Slapping God in the face ---by saying your in unbelief that Jesus paid the price for your sin by the shedding of His blood -----
AND ---- it is saying that people have to forgive all who have trespassed them ------to get God to even forgive their trespasses -----
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from Evil
So Hebrew word for Temptation is ---
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
temptation, trial
a testing, of men
I say ----Well again unbelievers asking God to not lead them into temptation is futile as they are away from God -----and with believers God does test His Children but always provides a way of escape and He never test us beyond what we can handle ------
And Deliver us from Evil -----
Hebrew word for Evil here is
Strong's Concordance
ra: evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity
I say ----For Believers today ---Jesus has already delivered us from Satan and the Curse ------so again why would we keep asking in this prayer for God to deliver us from Evil when we are already delivered ----Again it is like slapping God in the face saying ---I don't believe that Jesus delivered me from evil --
And for unbelievers ---they remain under Satan and the Curse -----so praying this prayer is futile for them
I say ----Praying this prayer after Jesus Shed His Blood and was crucified for Believers is not Right and for unbelievers it is futile ----the Prayer Jesus told His Disciples to pray was given because they wanted to know how to pray ----at that time -----They were Believers --not unbelievers --and that prayer was never ever prayed in scripture in a crowd setting ---there is not one time that Jesus or the Disciples told people to pray that prayer -----
Believers are doing an injustice to what Jesus accomplished on the Cross today by praying that Prayer -in my view ---
And God says in His word not to pray repetitive prayers
Matt 6:7
Berean Literal Bible
And praying, do not use vain repetitions like the pagans, for they think that in their many words they will be heard.