Yes, but Moses' wife saved his life, and her Dad gave him some good advice about dealing with the unruly Israelites. With a record like that, wouldn't you think that most everyone would be trying to find a Cushite bride? (And I thought Cush was Ethiopia?)
Are such assets, as were in Zipporah, enough to overcome racial difference? Miriam and Aaron disagreed, that is, prior to their punishment. I can assume they weren't the only ones. Could not Moses have benefitted from these assets without her hand in marriage?
Likewise, Jesus saved our lives, and He left us with more than just good advice. With a record like that, shouldn't everyone be following Him? Many say, can not they benefit from his wisdom, without becoming his bridegroom?
- They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. Eph 4:18
In other words, some people cannot see past outward, worldly, foolish things. Since the days of Moses and before him, it has been this way. 🌼