1. Meditation
Get quiet and listen to God through your feelings and intuition.
2. Prayer
Talk to God as if you were talking to a close, personal friend.
3. Humility
God is a higher power; you are a lesser power. You know this. You are humbled by it.
4. Study
Read, write, learn, listen.
5. Simplicity
Slow down. Experience and appreciate the simple things in life—nature, music, friends.
6. Solitude
Take some time to be alone and listen to your own inner music.
7. Submission
Surrender everything to God—as you understand God.
8. Service
Reach out to people in need and give of yourself and your resources.
9. Confession
Find someone you can trust and confide your deepest, darkest secrets to them.
Release the shame.
10. Worship
Be in awe of God. Bow your head—metaphorically or literally.
Be thankful for the grace that has been freely given to you.
11. Celebration
Be grateful! Raise your hands in joy and celebration. Sing, dance and be merry.
12. Guidance
Work with a mentor who is in constant contact with God
Get quiet and listen to God through your feelings and intuition.
2. Prayer
Talk to God as if you were talking to a close, personal friend.
3. Humility
God is a higher power; you are a lesser power. You know this. You are humbled by it.
4. Study
Read, write, learn, listen.
5. Simplicity
Slow down. Experience and appreciate the simple things in life—nature, music, friends.
6. Solitude
Take some time to be alone and listen to your own inner music.
7. Submission
Surrender everything to God—as you understand God.
8. Service
Reach out to people in need and give of yourself and your resources.
9. Confession
Find someone you can trust and confide your deepest, darkest secrets to them.
Release the shame.
10. Worship
Be in awe of God. Bow your head—metaphorically or literally.
Be thankful for the grace that has been freely given to you.
11. Celebration
Be grateful! Raise your hands in joy and celebration. Sing, dance and be merry.
12. Guidance
Work with a mentor who is in constant contact with God
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