What is so incorrect about it?
You said so yourself in your own profile that you are on again off again with the husband, and on again off again with he boyfriend.
How is that fixing a relationship?
You have '18 children" watching you go from husband to boyfriend, and you don't think that is affecting them?
Your own words:
View attachment 249282
So, like I said either this is a completely bogus account or you are in need of some serious help.
There's a lot of people on this site that can help with advice, but I'm willing to bet most of them will tell you the same thing. Drop the boyfriend(s). You won't be able to fix your marriage (or set a good example for the children) as long as you have that going on.
You said so yourself in your own profile that you are on again off again with the husband, and on again off again with he boyfriend.
How is that fixing a relationship?
You have '18 children" watching you go from husband to boyfriend, and you don't think that is affecting them?
Your own words:
View attachment 249282
So, like I said either this is a completely bogus account or you are in need of some serious help.
There's a lot of people on this site that can help with advice, but I'm willing to bet most of them will tell you the same thing. Drop the boyfriend(s). You won't be able to fix your marriage (or set a good example for the children) as long as you have that going on.
Must've lost a handful of them somewhere...
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