I am sorry, because you loved her. But the teeth to fit your wounds, would've been hers. The Lord of Glory is protecting you.
Some of the most painful branches He's selectively cut away in my own life have been female. Humanists and pagans, who vied for my allegiance and bargained on emotional attachment to preserve an entry point for human compromise.
Whenever my loyalty was misplaced, God cut those people out of my life, because He knew I wasn't always the first to walk away.
My initial responses might have seemed unsympathetic, but I didn't want to give you false hope.
This is very true, my Brother was a Worship Leader at a Church, fell in love with High Witch who claimed to be reformed, but was not. He no longer plays worship to the Lord and has let his God given gift erode away.
So I have always been cautious because of that, but loneliness is what the devil seems to use to make us compromise. I knew in my head and in my spirit there was red flags with this Lady I was smitten with:
1) Her mocking religions, saying they are silly
2) Her book list being angels in love with humans, Nephilim, How Summon a Demon, and etc despite her saying she is Atheist.
3) Saying she believed in demons and vampires, and not being clear what that means.
4) Her propping up a romance in fiction we both know that was between Dark Lady Being and Hero of Light, no doubt was to parallel our own relationship.
I should be more frustrated with myself.. but then I remember Samson, God have him great strength and he kept falling for Philistine Women, especially Delilah.
David trusted in Goliath's Sword, when he defeated the Giant by the Power of the Lord, and him killing Uriah his faithful friend to hide his sin with Bathsheba (even in Jesus' Genealogy it says Bathsheba Wife of Uriah).
Jahu was told by God to destroy Jezebel and her Baal Worship, and destroy the Ashteroth Poles, he did not do the ladder.
Unfortunately we have less examples in New Testament save Peter denying Jesus three times, Thomas doubting, and Paul did not listen to four prophets about going to the Temple in Jerusalem, and so was arrested.
That is what is hard, in The Old Testament they did not have in dwelling of the Holy Trinity inside them. They had to rely on Prophets and go to the Temple. While we are the temples of God (1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16-20, 1 Peter 2:5). So when you fail like this, it feels like a major failure because you should know better.
I mean the obvious with this girl was a verse I know like back of my hand,
"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons," (1 Corinthians 10:21).