Brothers and Sisters,
My Lord said:
Luke 19 45And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold, 46saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of robbers.”
Matthew 21 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ”
Where is the house of the Lord? Where does he dwell?
The term “tithe” (Heb. “maaser”)—meaning, the one tenth part of something given to charity—appears often in the Torah
Is it wrong to tithe? That would depend on what it is used for wouldn’t it? Is it used for the body first? For those in the body who are in need? Or is it to build a large empty building with fancy furnishings. With leaders who stuff themselves and theirs first before sharing what is left with the body, if they share at all? Showing love for each other and care, instead of like the world? That would make the world see something they don’t have, a true living community, a family who takes care of each other. This is the way!
If they did do that, then the Lord would provide a greater bounty for them to also share for those outside the body. To be able to show love and compassion for those outside, as you too once were outside! Not to become wasteful, boastful, and haughty. He will provide what you need, least you become distracted from what is truly important!
Yet many say, the law doesn’t apply, especially of the old Jewish laws…. Oh, well, maybe only select laws do.
At the same time one of the 10 commandments, thanks to man’s religious traditions which was never removed in the reformation, which was written by the hand of God first, then rewritten by Mosses is ignored by many in religion. Then sometimes, when they do “observe it” they add to the law just as the Jewish religious did.
Whose commandment was it? Who blessed that day and made it Holy? Tell me of all the commandments listed which one seems like it would be the easiest, if it were possible to keep?
Maybe it depends on who is feeding you?
‘Tis the season, the Lord is not a gene, he is not santa clause, here to grant you wishes while you live your life for you. He gave his Son for you, who laid down His life for His flock. The victory is won, the deed is done, will you pick up your cross and stand as one with the Father and Son? Or eat, drink and be merry? Who is your King, who do you follow?
The Lord is the Way!
blessed be the name of the Lord forever and ever!
Love, your brother in Christ
My Lord said:
Luke 19 45And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold, 46saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of robbers.”
Matthew 21 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ”
Where is the house of the Lord? Where does he dwell?
The term “tithe” (Heb. “maaser”)—meaning, the one tenth part of something given to charity—appears often in the Torah
Is it wrong to tithe? That would depend on what it is used for wouldn’t it? Is it used for the body first? For those in the body who are in need? Or is it to build a large empty building with fancy furnishings. With leaders who stuff themselves and theirs first before sharing what is left with the body, if they share at all? Showing love for each other and care, instead of like the world? That would make the world see something they don’t have, a true living community, a family who takes care of each other. This is the way!
If they did do that, then the Lord would provide a greater bounty for them to also share for those outside the body. To be able to show love and compassion for those outside, as you too once were outside! Not to become wasteful, boastful, and haughty. He will provide what you need, least you become distracted from what is truly important!
Yet many say, the law doesn’t apply, especially of the old Jewish laws…. Oh, well, maybe only select laws do.
At the same time one of the 10 commandments, thanks to man’s religious traditions which was never removed in the reformation, which was written by the hand of God first, then rewritten by Mosses is ignored by many in religion. Then sometimes, when they do “observe it” they add to the law just as the Jewish religious did.
Whose commandment was it? Who blessed that day and made it Holy? Tell me of all the commandments listed which one seems like it would be the easiest, if it were possible to keep?
Maybe it depends on who is feeding you?
‘Tis the season, the Lord is not a gene, he is not santa clause, here to grant you wishes while you live your life for you. He gave his Son for you, who laid down His life for His flock. The victory is won, the deed is done, will you pick up your cross and stand as one with the Father and Son? Or eat, drink and be merry? Who is your King, who do you follow?
The Lord is the Way!
blessed be the name of the Lord forever and ever!
Love, your brother in Christ
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