Moses and David were not predestined to be conformed to the image of the Son.
false statement, David looked forward to it Ps 17:15
As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I
awake, with thy
That does not mean awake, being of the same thing.
Adam was created in God's likeness....
Even so, Adam did not have a body like the Lord's glorious body.
Eve was bone of Adam's bones, and flesh of his flesh.
She was being the 'same thing.' Not simply a likeness.
Angels when materialized are in the likeness of men. (Genesis 18)
But they do not have the same body essence as man.
But when we are resurrected? We will have the same body essence as the glorious body of the Lord.
When he is resurrected Moses body will not have of the same body essence as ours.
For, our Home is heaven.
Moses eternal home is to be found on the New Earth.
Moses' body will consist of the elements of the New Earth.
Just like Adam's body consisted of the elements of this earth.
These truths need to be understood.....