Mathew 15:11
What Defiles a Man
10Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, “Listen and understand. 11A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it.” i have included a poll here where by you can vote multiple answers
Has anyone give this scripture much thought and wondered if this scripture is miss represented because people seem to use this scripture for everything they put into their body, i mean is that safe to do so ?. Does what go into a man or woman defile a man or woman as well as what comes out of a man or woman for some things .. Surely for something to come out of your body which is defiling that something which is defiling must have Gone into the body in the first place what ever it may be. Whether it be language or anything else
I also want to talk about animals but not make it the whole point of the thread, on why is it that humans are also referred to as animals in the bible. Surely we must be all plant eaters and not flesh eaters as the bible says for every animal on the face of the earth i have given green plant food,, I have been talking to vegi vegans on forums lately and many agree they have had a better conscience since becoming a vegan vegi.. I thought i would add this because since stopping eating animal flesh i have felt more pleasant in mind and my bodies digestive system seems more at peace, so perhaps animal flesh could be defiling my body.. Its only been one week since i stopped eating meat, and the temptation to eat a McDonald's beef burgers have been a nightmare. And I'm on the verge of cracking up at times i feel the temptations to eat meat are coming from the devil..
Mathew 15:11
What Defiles a Man
10Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, “Listen and understand. 11A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it.”
has anyone actualy wondered whether this scripture is warning that what can come out of you can be defiling ? and its not just related to not what you put in and is only related to what language comes out of your mouth ?.
What Defiles a Man
10Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, “Listen and understand. 11A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it.” i have included a poll here where by you can vote multiple answers
Has anyone give this scripture much thought and wondered if this scripture is miss represented because people seem to use this scripture for everything they put into their body, i mean is that safe to do so ?. Does what go into a man or woman defile a man or woman as well as what comes out of a man or woman for some things .. Surely for something to come out of your body which is defiling that something which is defiling must have Gone into the body in the first place what ever it may be. Whether it be language or anything else
I also want to talk about animals but not make it the whole point of the thread, on why is it that humans are also referred to as animals in the bible. Surely we must be all plant eaters and not flesh eaters as the bible says for every animal on the face of the earth i have given green plant food,, I have been talking to vegi vegans on forums lately and many agree they have had a better conscience since becoming a vegan vegi.. I thought i would add this because since stopping eating animal flesh i have felt more pleasant in mind and my bodies digestive system seems more at peace, so perhaps animal flesh could be defiling my body.. Its only been one week since i stopped eating meat, and the temptation to eat a McDonald's beef burgers have been a nightmare. And I'm on the verge of cracking up at times i feel the temptations to eat meat are coming from the devil..
Mathew 15:11
What Defiles a Man
10Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, “Listen and understand. 11A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it.”
has anyone actualy wondered whether this scripture is warning that what can come out of you can be defiling ? and its not just related to not what you put in and is only related to what language comes out of your mouth ?.
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