Good day Riven!
It's never too late to surrender to Him

Remember the scripture which says: "God loved the world so much, that He have His one and only Son, that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life?" Well, look closely at that scripture, specifically at the part which says "would not perish." That promise is dependent upon believing in His Son. Therefore, those who die in their unbelief, will die without the blood of Christ covering their sins, which leads to that person perishing. There is no third choice!
I'm sure that there are some people who think that if they remain neutral that they will be exempt from God's judgment and its results. Or that if they do enough good works that they may tilt the scales. However, the fact is that scripture states that there is none righteous and that all have sinned. Scripture also states that the reward for sin is death, which is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire. Therefore, there are two possibilities:
1). Trusting in Christ as the One who provided salvation for you by the shedding of His blood and the promise of eternal life
2). Reject Christ and be held accountable for your own sins, which leads to separation from God in the lake of fire
By the way, your disagreement with God's righteous judgment, is not going to acquit you from the accountability of your sins, because scripture states that, "unless there is a shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness for sins." On the other hand, if you have faith in Christ, then He was held accountable for your sins and you will be acquitted.
I hope that your decision will be for Christ.