John says if anyone does not abide in the doctrine of Christ, they do not have God. The most important reason for choosing a church is whether or not their DOCTRINE is confirmed by scripture. Are they abiding in the doctrine of Christ?
They substitute “sprinkling” for baptism. The Bible teaches baptism is by immersion. ( Acts 8:37-39, .John 3:23)
They approve of homosexuality which the Bible condemns. (Rom. 1:26-32)
They condone women preachers, 1 Cor. 14 tells women to keep silent in the church, and not to usurp authority over a man.
Do they teach “faith only” ( James 2:24) or salvation by saying a sinner’s prayer ( not in the Bible)?
These are only a few things that stand out as being in opposition to God and The Bible.
Matthew 7 shows a picture of judgement where God will turn away religious people who not only believe in Jesus and God but claim to have been zealous workers for Him. Jesus said they practiced LAWLESSNESS. Meaning they were not keeping the things in His law—just as John said—they were not abiding in the law of Christ.
Consider carefully and seriously whether or not you woujd be wasting your time in this church. Jesus said “every plant that my Father has NOT planted will be rooted up.”