ROFL You're the one who refuses to consider context or language like my post of #384. I noticed you had nothing to say except give another verse that
appears to say what you want while failing to recognise the language of that verse is speaking of the unsaved. Those who continually practice sin are the unsaved and no, they will not see eternal life, they remain dead in their sin just as you and I once were.
Rubbish. You can't read me any more than you can read scripture.
You seem to think because you're a believer you can do no wrong that you
must end up maturing in the faith and overcoming sin and the world. Sadly, it is not the case, some believers only produce wood, hay and stubble.
Yes, we are all given very strong warnings to walk by means of grace in the filling of the Spirit according to the truth. Why? Apart from the fact that it is good for us, we represent Christ in this world (we are His body) and to live as we did when unsaved is an insult of the highest order to the Most High God and we run the risk of having our lives shortened by having to face the "sin unto death". Just as the Israelites were promised long life in the land and loss of the land for failing to live according to God's commands and statutes, we lose our place in this world. Sometimes believers can sin so badly God has to take them home early.
1 John 5:16
If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that.
This has become a joke. You criticize me for making it personal and
all you can do now is criticize me rather than dealing with the scriptures you raised. Talk about hypocrisy. What happened? You check your godliness at the door on the way in?