You're forgetting that I've treated you as my sister for 10 years, haven't I...and with "all purity" (I Timothy 5:2), I hope?
Anyhow, with the way that you've been carrying on of late, I'm tempted to say, "Oh, BROTHER!"
Seriously, I've got to eat something and then get to bed.
Good night.
See what happens when I call somebody "brother" (probably the first time that I've done so on a forum in 10 years, btw)? Yep, the sibling rivalries begin...
You just go eat and be off to bed.
Besides, I am actually tiring of this discussion (not to mention your own weasling around it) not just in this post but over and again throughout the years. Surely I kid with you (to a point) as you well know it, but I see you doing something like that as if you enjoy getting a rise out of me in the same (and then make fun at my response)
But it was like you were saying, "looky at that, see now what I can do? (very innocently so) but
you so know what you did there. Then you make it out like its me carrying on about some nonsensical sibling rivalry. Since when has anything of the sort ever been brought up prior? Not even once, ever. What I was doing here was just trying to draw your attention to your own backwardness.
You at least admitted that you (for ten years) would not adress another brother as brother before
Your not partial in that, same goes for me too as it took me awhile to get off the floor when I heard it lol
Well, your making progress your just "slower then" others in this area
(That ought to provoke a response lol)
And yes to (I Timothy 5:2)
If Jesus isnt ashamed to call those sanctified by the Holy Spirit brethren why would you feel otherwise? Unless you had your doubts. Which is fine I have those myself and I am sure I have likely called (at some point in time) someone "brother" or "sister" who might not have been, thats not a sin. So I might not understand all the extra precaution unless ofcourse it has more to do with ones lack of ability in expressing oneself more affectionately towards another.
If one cannot feel the latter, then it just comes down to the use of words (only) anyway. Then its like, who really cares either way if it just boils down to that right?
I feel much better about it now.
Goodnight and God bless you in Christ Jesus the Lord