● Gen 3:22 . . And the Lord God said: The man has now become like one of
us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand
and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.
FAQ: Supposing Adam had eaten from the tree of life before eating from the
forbidden tree; would he have been immune to the forbidden tree's effects?
REPLY: To my knowledge, the tree of life doesn't work like a vaccine, rather,
it's more like a medication. For example the language of Rev 22:2 strongly
suggests the tree is for treating maladies rather than preventing them.
* People tend to take advantage of medicine in order to continue their bad
habits. For example; treatments for STDs enable promiscuous folk to continue
their swinging life style with little fear of permanent consequences. The
same can be said for folk with high cholesterol numbers. Statins make it
possible for them to keep on eating foods that are normally unsuitable for
Had Adam been allowed unlimited access to the tree of life, he and his wife
would've no doubt routinely included fruit from the forbidden tree in their
diets because its detrimental effects on their health could've been easily
reversed by chasing the bad fruit with the good; so it was pretty much
necessary to deny them all access to the tree of life to ensure their demise
in accord with Gen 2:17.