Is it me or is there an increase in those attacking the Trinity Concept today?
Please remember Brother sister if a Pastor, minister, or any one else for that matter spends there who Theological learning to prove one topic they are most likely wrong or have right
Pray read your Bible and you will see in the word of of God The Father who is God, the son who is God, and the Holy Spirit who is God yet one. if we leave it there and agree with what we see in the word of God you don't end up with
Modes, manifestation, Modalism, Sabellianism, or oneness.
Please remember Brother sister if a Pastor, minister, or any one else for that matter spends there who Theological learning to prove one topic they are most likely wrong or have right
Pray read your Bible and you will see in the word of of God The Father who is God, the son who is God, and the Holy Spirit who is God yet one. if we leave it there and agree with what we see in the word of God you don't end up with
Modes, manifestation, Modalism, Sabellianism, or oneness.