Thank you for a positive reply
I believe in God. But not in a personal and separated God. I don't focus on dogmas that I see as being part of a relative consciousness. Instead I try to focus on intuitive consciousness, that doesn't try to explain what God is, but instead on following the righteous path by removing an illusion about the self. To know by being part. I can explain this further if you would like me to.
This thread though isn't about how I or others see life, but about if it's allowed to be here, even though we understand God differently.
For me the most important is to be allowed to follow what feels right for us. From there we can better sense it, and find out if it really brings us peace. The thread is asking the question: Am I allowed to be here as I am, if my intention is to listen and share?
For me that is what fellowship is about. Then it's up to each person to decide if they want to listen and share with others. But like you wrote, we shouldn't ban others, just because they disagree or don't understand. Maybe instead we should ask the question: Do I understand the other?
I'm glad to see, you are trying to understand me.