REPLY TO oldthenew
QUOTE: you would do well to listen with an open heart instead
of rejecting wise words when written to you with
good intentions...
also, it's not about what 'makes us feel good', it's about
Who makes us feel good...
great post Maryjohanna! maybe we will hear some
honest, direct, answers...
Let me start of by saying, that when you write "it's about WHO makes us feel good" then I see it is a perspective a personal God, that I do not share. My thread is based on the question: Am I allowed to be here, even though I don't see God as personal and separated?
Secondly, do you know, that I reject wise words? I don't mind listening to others, and I have listened to many people, also people that have wanted to teach by preaching for me. I listened because I wanted to hear what they base their view on. But sometimes I have also rejected if a person wants to preach for me, because I normally prefer a dialogue and not a monologue. Does that mean, that I rejected wise words because I didn't allow the person to preach for me? How would you know this? Or did the person not have a good approach to how I was ready do be inspired at that moment?
We have the freedom of speech. But hopefully we also have the freedom of hearing. And we should respect others as they are, and not try to make them into something we want them to be. Some people might prefer a monologue, and others, like myself, can prefer a dialogue. Shouldn't a good teacher be able to teach based on how the student feels most comfortable?
QUOTE: you would do well to listen with an open heart instead
of rejecting wise words when written to you with
good intentions...
also, it's not about what 'makes us feel good', it's about
Who makes us feel good...
great post Maryjohanna! maybe we will hear some
honest, direct, answers...
Let me start of by saying, that when you write "it's about WHO makes us feel good" then I see it is a perspective a personal God, that I do not share. My thread is based on the question: Am I allowed to be here, even though I don't see God as personal and separated?
Secondly, do you know, that I reject wise words? I don't mind listening to others, and I have listened to many people, also people that have wanted to teach by preaching for me. I listened because I wanted to hear what they base their view on. But sometimes I have also rejected if a person wants to preach for me, because I normally prefer a dialogue and not a monologue. Does that mean, that I rejected wise words because I didn't allow the person to preach for me? How would you know this? Or did the person not have a good approach to how I was ready do be inspired at that moment?
We have the freedom of speech. But hopefully we also have the freedom of hearing. And we should respect others as they are, and not try to make them into something we want them to be. Some people might prefer a monologue, and others, like myself, can prefer a dialogue. Shouldn't a good teacher be able to teach based on how the student feels most comfortable?
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