Interesting point in the convergence of events: Israel has never had a State to last more than 80 years, and it's currently 75 now.
"The situation is only getting worse, and that has been made abundantly clear the past three weeks. War, apocalyptic sentiment, Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi) is Prime Minister and the State of Israel is about to celebrate its 80th birthday. Never in its history has the nation of Israel ruled and lived freely and independently in its biblical homeland for more than 80 years. And so I would like to remind you of something a famous rabbi said regarding the coming of the Messiah. About 30 years ago, the late Lubavitcher Rebbe told a young Netanyahu that “he, Benjamin Netanyahu, will be Israel’s prime minister, who will pass the scepter to the Messiah.” The Lubavitcher Rebbe said this during the election campaign in the 1990s, before Netanyahu’s first term in office. Today, Israel is in a kind of apocalyptic mood, Bibi is prime minister and the scepter is in his hand. Will Netanyahu, the nation and the world soon welcome the Messiah?"
Lubavitcher Rebbe: “After Bibi comes the Messiah”