Hi Monica,
I'm sorry I haven't answered your thread earlier--I wanted to read some of the other thoughts before sharing. This is a topic I could ramble on quite a bit but I'll try to share a few highlights

I seem to attract guys who are either much older or much younger. The problem I find with older guys (in my case at least, I can't speak for anyone else) is that they talk "down" to me--they've gotten to a point in life where they're proud of their accomplishments (which is understandable of course) but also seem to look down on everyone else. They act like it's a blessing that they're choosing to talk to you, and I really hate that kind of attitude. I also find older men (again, this is just my situation) tell me they're "sick of American women" and assume I will fit neatly into their stereotype of a younger, starry-eyed foreign wife who will worship their very existence. NOT ALL older men are like this, of course, but this just my own general experience.
I had a friend who always dated guys at least 15 years older, and sometimes even 30 years older. She'd been through a lot and so maturity and responsibility (she didn't want just another person she'd have to take care of) were of utmost importance to her. But something I think people forget is that time passes. It may be great when you're 25 and the other person is 45, but will that matter when someday you're 45 and they're 65? Now that my friend is in her mid-40s', she admits that if she would have married someone so much older back then, it wouldn't be so appealing now.
I have a relative who is dating someone with a 26-year age difference... So I do realize that different things work for different people.
In the past few years, I've had guys in their 20's ask me out, which is extremely flattering but I tell them my age right away!!! One was 23 and in a better place than most of the guys I know my age (house, career, financial plan for his future that included retirement). But as others have stated, there are several "stages in life" issues.
When I was younger, I wanted a family. At 40, I can't see having my first baby within the next few years (and that's IF I met the right person to marry!) Yes, I know God can do anything but at this stage in my life, the desire is no longer there.
I admit to being more comfortable around the younger crowd (not always... it depends) because they generally seem to be more accepting. I like someone who admits he doesn't know it all and is always learning rather than someone who tries to play it cool and acts like everyone is below him (I know this can happen at any age, but again, this is just my personal experience.)
I always find myself "between" groups--social clases, ages, races--so I wonder if God has someone for me "on one side or the other"... or if He plans to introduce me to someone "in the middle" like me.