For CatHerder..."This is not a dating site!"

pssshhh I hope people know when I said that it was to be funny or dripping with sarcasm. Personally I could care less about anyone's love life or lack thereof,unless it's somehow impacting me directly.
With all that said,I had opinions about age difference that were never really grounded in anything biblical,let alone anything other than general stereotypes. I used to think I'd never be with someone under 30 or no one older than 50 (having had these thoughts when I reached 40)
Again I found myself limiting God. Like GLR pointed out,it's stages in your life more than age. If 2 people are compatible & fit just right,and happen have an age gap,I dunno...if those 2 people don't mind it or find it a problem,then what business is it of anyone else's?
This whole thing about Men leading women or trying to control them,that this is why some of them seek out younger women.
I will speak only for myself on this.
Firstly, I have never "sought out" any woman of ANY age with the idea of wanting to lead or control them,or fashion them into someone that would do what I say without question.
Men who have this heart motive,IMO have zero business being in a relationship,because this mindset is so opposed to what the Bible even says about men loving their wives,or how a brother in Christ should treat his sister in Christ.
Second,I don't much care what age a woman is,as long as she is intelligent,funny,well grounded in who she is,and loves God.
If I am her husband I wouldn't demand or expect anything of her except her love. Physical age doesn't always play into how mature a person is. With that said,obviously as a 43 yr old man,I'm not gonna be interested in dating some girl who is like 18,no matter how mature she is in her attitude just for the simple fact that she herself hasn't had time to really experience life yet on her own. Besides,when you are that young,yer' still not fully sure what thing's in life you really want yet...people change & grow all the time when they are under 20. It wouldn't be fair to try & be with someone so young IMO.
Thirdly,the main thing is this...being open to God,not limiting Him. If it really bother's you to date someone or envision yourself married to someone with a large age gap younger or older then don't sweat it. There shouldn't be such pressure. Just don't limit yourself because of things like being worried what other's will think or stuff like that. Besides,I don't believe God would have you marry someone that you really felt terribly uncomfortable with due to age. He knows our hearts desire,and I'm pretty sure if He wants you with someone.both you & the other person will be just fine in whatever age difference is among you.