Thank you Blain, sometimes I wonder how to cope with life, everything is thrown at us. I ask god to take care of our needs, as you can see I always include my fiance. Its my biggest worry anything happening to him, as I'm not that independent, due to my feet issues. I'm scared about where we live as none cares enough to talk, and people don't interaction. There is lots of drug dealings every 5 minutes, and it's really upsetting my fiance Rod. We have been together 17 years. His stroke makes him poorly, and he soon gets worked up, which makes me afraid for him. I'm bad on my feet and cant walk far, so I tend to stay indoors these days, I'm only 48. I feel people are passing away all the older ones, and because rod is older than me I worry he's 62. it's been tough. we belong to each other. I'm praying rods blood tests are ok, we worry he has pancreas issues, has he's had pain alittle in his side. I feel like my world is crashing, but I have to keep strong. I wish someone would understand. I write more on here to you, because I know I can't tell all this to anyone. Take Care x