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  1. P

    I would like some perspectives on Revelation.

    Jesus said at his coming is normal life , commerce , andveveryday life. There will never be a nuclear exchange or destroyed earth at his coming.
  2. P

    I would like some perspectives on Revelation.

    Bingo Trying to equate the emotion of a dream to God's word is appalling. Rev is both literal and allegory. The woman on the beast is 100% allegory with Jesus saying what it means. Jesus taking the scroll from the Father on the throne is 100% literal
  3. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    ..which is the ONLY "2gospel" dynamic from heaven, or found in the Bible. 1) the gospel preached to the Jew is: "Messiah has come, the one we await has already come. And He died for your sins" We give them Jesus. 2) to the Gentile we give them Jesus. They know nothing of Messiah. We take them...
  4. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    Yes thank you. I recieve that compliment regularly. I pretty much live in God's Word. I have the entire Bible on DVD. It plays non stop . At the end of Revelation it automatically goes to Genesis. Never stops and fills my home with the fragrance of God's word. Even I'm my sleep ot plays and I...
  5. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    I am glad you are able to read your Bible without omissions
  6. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    Thank you Yes through much study God's word reveals the Groom is coming for the bride. All those verses are pretrib. ...any berean will readily incorporate the rapture verses. It is the elephant in the room.
  7. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    Then you have never read Rev 14 1-14 with understanding.
  8. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    You presented conjecture. Your opinion outside the Bible teaching Of the rapture verses, and God taking His people out before the trib as declared in God's word.
  9. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    Maybe cancel every thread since some call lively discussion quarreling.
  10. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    Not being ugly , but that is way off. Tares are burned at the GWTJ. LOF for unsaved is after the mil. It even says the second resurrection has ALL THE DEAD gathered AFTER THE MIL. So...the tares thingy has zero to do with the rapture of 1 thes 4, acts 1, Matt.25, Matt.24, and the mid trib...
  11. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    You just declared via scripture, that after thectrib the saints already in heaven are gathered. We see your depiction of the pretrib rapture with saints ALREADY IN HEAVEN (As you showed us) gathered IN HEAVEN (As you showed us) mounting white horses. You showed us angels ( not Jesus does the...
  12. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    For one, your setting the rapture is 100% backwards. At the end of trib there is no buying or selling for anyone without the mark. ( ahem...that alone tells you there are no saints alive to rapture) There will be normal life. As Jesus declared. There will be everyday life. As Jesus declared...
  13. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    There are no postrib rapture verses. I have challenged forum members to post one. None have so far
  14. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    What is Rev 14 :14? The second coming?
  15. P

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    Both the virgin parable and the "one taken/ left" of mat 24 are vivid pictures of the rapture. Actually impossible to miss. The last supper dialogue is the depiction of the bride and groom betrothal. The rapture is the groom gathering the bride.
  16. P

    Gospel Confusion...

    In Acts Paul preached the kingdom. Maybe he was way off.
  17. P

    Great GRACE {MYSTERY} Departure @ the 2nd coming {prophecy}?

    What is the second coming? On white horses?
  18. P

    Gospel Confusion...

    Well you might as well Just cut Hebrews out of your Bible due to the typology ( AHEM...more than one dimension) Then forget about the 2 dimensions of "the spirit and the word working TOGETHER" Then go to Rev 5 and remove the FACT that Jesus is BOTH a lion and a lamb.(multi dimensional) I wonder...
  19. P

    Gospel Confusion...

    You know this obsession to prove how defective all the Apostles are, and Paul is to be exaulted to "equal to Jesus" is NOT FROM GOD. You know how we know this???? Because you are LAYING A FOUNDATION. YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR EVIDENCE, that Paul was so so so correct, and the others preached an...
  20. P

    Gospel Confusion...

    It is a shame that a no-brainer is such a hurdle for hyperpaulines. I never ever saw any believer that did not want to be water baptized. To listen to you guys you would think the devil himself prompted them to get dunked