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  1. S

    My marriage story

    Wait, what!? Your husband doesn't want you to see how intimate his conversations with other women are? I might be overreacting but that sounds like emotional unfaithfulness at the least.
  2. S

    My marriage story

    One of the examples is raising children and discipline. If I tell our children to do something (like clean their rooms or do chores) and they complain to him and he tells them they don't need to, knowing what I told them, it's like he's saying they can ignore me and don't need to listen to...
  3. S

    My marriage story

    I"ve agreed to talk to the pastor with him. I tried talking to him about how I felt, but it just ended up being the same kind of discussion as always. Maybe talking to someone else there will help, someone with an outside perspective. We had counseling before, but I didn't feel comfortable...
  4. S

    My marriage story

    When we talk about our past arguments, it feels like I'm always the one admitting to something wrong, and never him. I'll remember what he did, but he'll either not remember or not think it was wrong. It's like we have different versions of events. I don't think Bible versus about not...
  5. S

    My marriage story

    There were times when I'd want to discipline my children or tell them to do something, and he's argue with me in front of them saying I was wrong. I'd want to punnish them for misbehaving and he's come and say, why are you punishing our child? He'd ask me what our child had done and why I was...
  6. S

    My marriage story

    OK I know you're joking a bit but we talked to his pastor before we married. We're both Christians. We're not from that different denominations (I almost spelling demoninations ha). We don't disagree anything in the Nicene creed. I tried to take part with him in his hobbies, talk to him...
  7. S

    My marriage story

    I've been thinking that too. What is marriage supposed to be? Books even Christian relationship books I've read say it should be romantic, intimate, close, wonderful. If it's not, then it should be fixed and made that way. But I wonder is that always possible? Should I excpect or hope my...
  8. S

    My marriage story

    When we were first married, we fought a lot. I grew up in a quite family where my mom and dad didn't really talk much. My husband's family was very talkative and open about disagreements. He and I would talk about something for a long time. I don't remember how long, maybe an hour or two. It...
  9. S

    How is loneliness while single different from loneliness in marriage?

    Being lonely while married is like being trapped. At least loneiy single people have a hope of being be freed from what makes them lonely.
  10. S

    Looking for the land of the lion

    LOL really, thank you :) I feel like I hardly said anything at all.
  11. S

    Looking for the land of the lion

    I think everyone is looking for Aslan's land in one way or another whether the know it or not. I know it's not on this earth, not entirely, but maybe there are pieces of it her and there.
  12. S

    Looking for the land of the lion

    Hi my name is Susan and I'm sure most of you know what my screen name is alluding to :) I'm a lot better and a lot worse than the one in the books. I'll probably open a thread on the family forum but I'm a bit shy so maybe I'll wait a while and read what's here first.