Search results

  1. RoboOp

    Christian discernment on real conspiracy, corruption, greed, agendas, etc.

    I don't believe many "conspiracy theories", however it's a fact that there's very real conspiracy, corruption, greed, etc., in the government, corporations, academia, etc., and it affects us all -- even the milk we drink! It also affects the medicine that we take. The vaccines that we give our...
  2. RoboOp

    Should I tell the guy beside me that his girlfriend is not a girl?

    Okay there's an American at the table next to my table in this restaurant, right now as I type, and he's in deep conversation with a Filipina "girl" and her "lady" friend, but actually they're not real women. I actually didn't realize it myself until my wife pointed out that they're not real...
  3. RoboOp

    MSNBC purposely LIES and DOCTORS A VIDEO to make gun lobbyists look bad

    It's pretty clear. Amazing how the media purposely lies and distorts things for their own agenda. It's just a 3-minute video, which shows what MSNBC aired (their doctored video with their lying commentary), and then the actual un-doctored video.
  4. RoboOp

    Gun control becomes mind control in public schools

    Kids reportedly punished, even suspended, for having a nerf gun, or even talking about a nerf gun, for having a lego gun, or even a paper gun, or playing cops and robbers with fingers, or making a gun hand gesture. You can read about it here in an article by Jon Rappoport: What’s behind the...
  5. RoboOp

    My neighbor seems to hate me now, after discussing Obama's policy on gay marriage!

    Well I'm posting this in response to Zone's thread about Obama's call for gay rights making history. But it's very much a personal experience from this past week, so I'm also gonna promote my post here as a "blog". Man I really wouldn't choose this topic to be my first official "blog", because...
  6. RoboOp

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to our members from the Philippines! We'll see how it goes with this forum. If it's not active we'll remove it because we prefer to only have active forums in the list. Anyway we'll see what God wills, and we may first try to promote it a bit to all our filipino members to see...
  7. RoboOp

    How to post a Christian music video or song from YouTube [preferably one per thread]

    You can share a YouTube video (e.g, Christian music video or Christian song) by simply clicking the Insert icon -- it's just dots (....) beside the smiley icon -- in the editor and select Media, and follow the instructions.
  8. RoboOp

    Catholic Heresy (for the record)

    We try to welcome everyone to our site including people who grow up with Catholic tradition because of course we want to lead people to the truth. But sometimes it's perceived that we tolerate error and heresy. Please understand first of all that we don't screen every thread and post in this...
  9. RoboOp

    Pacquiao speaks out against Obama's gay marriage stance

    EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW at the PALAZZO of Los Angeles, California - U.S. Senator Harry Reid, a Democrat and a beneficiary of the Filipino votes which overwhelmingly gave him another term of office from the 2010 electoral campaign, got what he wanted in due time, but not his fellow Democrat U.S...
  10. RoboOp

    Obama emailed me about gay marriage

    Here's the email I got just now from Obama (seriously, somehow I got put on this mailing list). He makes himself pretty clear, that he wants gay marriage in America. Here it is (all bold emphasis mine): RoboOp [actually it was my real name here] -- Today, I was asked a direct...
  11. RoboOp

    daughter in hospital with pneumonia

    Ten days ago my daughter got some kind of virus or something that was kinda harsh on her. I did take her to the ER for it because of some alarming vital signs. At that time they said they could tell that the lungs were clear, and it was probably just an upper respiratory tract infection (which...
  12. RoboOp

    Save Iranian Pastor from Death Sentence

    This is from the ACLJ: A new resolution has been introduced in Congress calling on Iran to immediately release Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. Pastor Youcef remains under a death sentence in Iran for his Christian faith. Pastor Youcef is still alive today because people the world over have taken a...
  13. RoboOp

    Headline-like thread titles, please :)

    Glad to see this Christian News Forum being used to share and discuss the latest world news, local news, and current events from a Christian perspective. For this particular forum, each thread title should be like a headline. Here's an example of the WRONG way :) to title a thread in this...
  14. RoboOp

    Dad shoots laptop of rebellious daughter with his 45

    Okay this just happened a few days ago and the guy already got 22 million views of his youtube video as of this moment. Probably many of you already saw it. His 15-year-old daughter slandered him and complained about her chores in a "secret" open letter to him on Facebook, and she actually...
  15. RoboOp

    Manny Pacquiao now born again Christian

    The world's greatest pound-for-pound boxer, Manny Pacquiao, is now born again, praise God. He's a legend here in the Philippines, and he's not just the greatest boxer (who has the world record for winning the most belts in different weight classes), but he's also a full time congressman, also a...
  16. RoboOp

    Hilasmos, open heart surgery on Monday

    Hilasmos pm'd me asked me to post his prayer request. He says he's having open heart surgery on Monday afternoon, US time.
  17. RoboOp

    New Feature Requests, all in one thread

    Put all your new feature requests here, all in this one thread for me. If you've already made a thread about it before feel free to reference the thread as well.
  18. RoboOp

    InGodWeTrust's recovery from a stroke

    InGodWeTrust shared with me that he had a stroke the other day. He's young; only 28. He said it has affected his walking and his speech and he can't easily post this, so he asked me to post it for him. He would really appreciate people praying for his full restoration. Lord we pray for full...
  19. RoboOp

    Gaza Flotilla Incident: "We Con the World"

    If you are familiar with the incident with the Flotilla in Gaza last week, you're gonna love this. This was made by some Jewish media in Israel. (Thank you PreTribGuy for sharing this with me.)
  20. RoboOp

    Fundamentalist Thread

    Reason for post: It seems that we have some anti-fundamentalists using this site so I just wanted to make it clear that the admin and moderator team (and I hope the majority of users, I hope) are indeed Bible-believing fundamentalists (and we don't want our site to be represented by...