Search results

  1. RoboOp

    the not kissing before marriage game

    Here's a wild and crazy idea. Don't kiss before marriage. What do you think?
  2. RoboOp

    passionate politics: open letter to Obama

    This just seemed interesting, and seemed to have some good points :)
  3. RoboOp

    Firefox is 10 times faster than IE for CC

    Hey I'm just now trying Firefox, and it's like 10 times faster than IE! I don't have to wait several seconds for each forum page to load (or for the chat window to open); it's like instant. I'm sold. P.S. They advertise that they're latest version (3.5) is much faster than the earlier ones...
  4. RoboOp

    Holy Quacking

    Okay this totally fictitious, but I think very possible. Imagine this: Kenneth Hagin or Kenneth Copeland or Benny Hinn has one of these big gatherings where thousands of people are all worked up to experience the next big manifestation of the spirit... and then Hagin/Copeland/Hinn says...
  5. RoboOp

    "Holy Laughter" (for a good laugh!)

    "Holy laughter", from the holy laughter superstars Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland. Is this the Holy Spirit? :D The Bible says (regarding uninterpreted, unregulated tongues): So if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues, and some who do not understand or some...
  6. RoboOp

    Joel Osteen on Hinduism

    Joel Osteen says they (the Hindus) love God, and they're sincere, etc. (Actually I'm just doing this to test our new youtube tag, for embedding youtube video.) :)
  7. RoboOp

    Ms Cellphone Idol 2009 (my daughter)

    This is what happens when your daughter has seen too much American Idol and High School Musical.
  8. RoboOp

    Click the NEW THREAD button to introduce yourself! :)

    To introduce yourself, please start a new thread. (Others can respond and welcome each person in that person's thread.)
  9. RoboOp

    Categories of Recipes

    Should the recipe forum be divided into subforums (for the purpose of categories of recipes)? If so, what should the categories be? :)
  10. RoboOp

    The Top 10: Gel38, Angelswings1958, Avery1985,...

    Here are the top 10 bandwidth users in the Lounge, in terms of voice/video data sent. (I mean they use the most server bandwidth in the Lounge.) :) 1. Gel38 2. Angelswings1958 3. Avery1985 4. Angel-rose 5. Sothy 6. Scribe 7. Trilogic 8. CarlJoe0789 9. RoboOp :D 10. Facehugger...
  11. RoboOp

    color code nicknames in forum posts to indicate gender [DONE!!!]

    This is a suggestion from RoboOp to RoboOp. :D Can you please color code the nicknames in the forum posts to indicate gender. You know, blue for boys, pink for girls. I suggest this because I was kinda arguing some scripture with this guy name "Braveheart**" for days, and then today I just...
  12. RoboOp

    One recipe per thread -- clearly titled -- please! :)

    Unless it's just a twist on another recipe and you want to add it to that recipe thread, please post a separate thread for your recipe, so people can respond and give feedback (and so that each thread is clearly titled).
  13. RoboOp

    scripture race: Hezekiah 4:8

    Who can be the first person to look up, read, and type here the following verse: Hezekiah 4:8 1, 2, 3, Go!
  14. RoboOp

    About your suggestions... :)

    Thanks for all the suggestions. Please understand that not all suggestions will be implemented (for varoius reaoson) and ones that we agree with and are able to easily do may still take some time. (There's a long list of things to do right now). So suggestions are appreciated, and even...
  15. RoboOp

    If you died right now..

    If you died right now, where would you go? (This poll is anonymous, so be honest.)