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  1. G00WZ

    What's a good first car ?

    1977 Chrysler Newport makes for a nice low rider or a cruise car but it ain't much for being fuel efficient for daily driving.... If you want super fuel efficiency get like a geo metro lol.
  2. G00WZ


    Sometimes it's just fun to go and spend some money and be in the environment. It's also not a bad place to go especially if im with friends because there's always that one dude who has to run into a random store to pick something up for his gf.
  3. G00WZ

    What's a good first car ?

    F350? might as well have him on a tractor lol
  4. G00WZ

    How do you feel about Fox News these days?

    I had a friend and when we were kids one of his favorite phrases about things was " fake and gay", that's how i feel about the news.
  5. G00WZ

    You have a million dollars to spend, what would you do ?

    Id buy a trained tap dancing attack bear and id name it "Pookie".
  6. G00WZ

    What's a good first car ?

    RX-8 for swag points.
  7. G00WZ


    Well to be honest i don't know exactly what he meant he said "Latinos" , that could be dudes or just Hispanic people in general. I said "Latina" as in women because i thought that's what he meant with all the hearts n stuff but i might be wrong.
  8. G00WZ


    My Spanish is rusty but he said something about looking for beautiful Latina women.
  9. G00WZ


    tienes que buscarlos porque este no es un sitio de citas.
  10. G00WZ

    can you guys post something funny please?

    what having a thread derailed right after posting it feels like
  11. G00WZ

    Finding a good Christian girl from France to marry

    @FrenchandChristian You could always become a full blown Mennonite, a lot of them come from Netherlands and Switzerland and some of them are in France so that's basically blond hair blue eyes and whatnot.
  12. G00WZ

    Lets laugh together!

  13. G00WZ

    Single forever

    You can still socialize and make friends with different females though, that's what i was doing before i even started dating... It's good experience, and don't just socialize with all the pretty ones, it's actually best if you start with the ones you don't find sexually interesting.
  14. G00WZ

    How many relationships have you been in?

    @Lanolin you're going to give all the prudish grannies on this site heart attacks with all of that, and it's not even Friday yet lol.
  15. G00WZ

    Single forever

    ..So she comes from a dating group, asks you on a virtual date and then flakes, but still wants to be friends...If she never wants to go on cam that's probably a catfish.
  16. G00WZ

    Single forever

    Not trying to bring you down or anything just was calling it as i saw it from past experiences and mistakes that ive made, and i am just saying because usually women who cater to shallow dudes comments/attention and whatnot are almost always shallow themselves... On the flip side you probably...
  17. G00WZ


    Speaking of animals i chased my neighbors fat cat out of my yard before he had the chance to do his business. He probably didn't appreciate me interrupting his poop time and making him prairie-dog it to somewhere else but oh well lol.
  18. G00WZ

    Single forever

    Ah.. okay i see. She probably already has a bf or is interested in someone else but is more than willing to accept you as a fanboy with the type of thirsty attention your probably giving especially if your focus is shallow like you said. I wouldn't blame God for "failure", it could be that you...
  19. G00WZ

    Anyone For Cereal?

    I always thought the old Toucan Sam from the cereal called Fruit loops was low-key gay but with the new one there is no question lol.