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  1. G00WZ

    What was the last thing you ate?

    Nah, it was that white bitter end of the lettuce too, i was turned off from eating anything else after that.
  2. G00WZ

    seeking approval...why?

    I don't need it, but i do realize that no matter what i do there will always be spectators looking, commenting, judging and giving opinions. I remember not too long ago i set out to do something to better myself and i told a friend about what i was going to do, and he replied "pshhh you can't do...
  3. G00WZ

    Anyone into Pokemon TCG?

    lol yea i think Vaporeon was most peoples first pick.... You got more options now though
  4. G00WZ

    Anyone into Pokemon TCG?

    Wow... Well at least with that first butterfree you could use mega drain and pretend it actually did something i guess... If it survives lol. And yea i noticed that on the first set of cards you posted. I was wondering why they had so many hitpoints, it seemed a bit off. I don't know much about...
  5. G00WZ

    Picking a ringtone for your CC friends

    Ringtone for @seoulsearch
  6. G00WZ

    Anyone into Pokemon TCG?

    Yea sometimes with specific things like that you have to search high and low to join, but its fun when you get a thing going. When i used to play yugioh i remember buying cards too, going through all those booster packs lol. The Tcg format kindof sounds like the yu-gi-oh format because they...
  7. G00WZ

    Which holiday do you like more?

    I would have to say neither. If i was a dentist id say Halloween though.
  8. G00WZ

    What was the last thing you ate?

    A single lettuce leaf.... I don't like lettuce much
  9. G00WZ

    Anyone into Pokemon TCG?

    I actually have just 1 single card and thats 1st gen Nidoking, i always liked to use it in the actual gameboy games. I never actually played the tcg game though. It's been a long time since i have had a look at the new cards, they look nothing like they used to, the whole card is foil? sheesh...
  10. G00WZ

    Attitudes toward drinking

    I don't drink very often, and when i do its in such small amounts it doesn't do anything. I don't like the taste or feel of alcohol in my system. I don't judge when others do or like it though, people like what they like.
  11. G00WZ

    Ruin childhood movies with facts

    Pokemon probably eat other Pokemon, they don't all just get along and eat berries, nuts and seeds like the show implies.
  12. G00WZ

    Who am I/Who are You?

    And then you come into the knowledge that person who said it isn't white. Mindblown.
  13. G00WZ

    Are you a dog person or cat person and why?

    I can appreciate most animals, i have kept reptiles, dogs and cats.
  14. G00WZ

    Who am I/Who are You?

    Don't make any sudden movements lol.
  15. G00WZ

    Ruin childhood movies with facts

    The "care bear stare" never does any real damage on enemies, at best it's nothing more than an inconvenient semi-distracting lightshow.
  16. G00WZ

    Optimal Mystic Girls!

    "angel mystic girls"? you mean @Tinkerbell725 ? Dunno about optimal, probably could ask her if she has OCD and likes to stack things in nice neat little rows and whatnot i guess.