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  1. E

    Hypergrace Mockers

    You didn't even realize I was being sarcastic, lol.
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    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Dino's correct. Sorry 'ole boy.
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    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Sorry, but you don't even understand that the word 'bishop' is a wrong translation everywhere it's used in the KJV. Get past that & maybe we can talk about it.:)
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    Would God Have us Solve Confusion of baptisms?

    Sorry, friend, that is incorrect. This occurs when one is saved & truly zealous to receive it to be a better servant of God.
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    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    If only people would take off their denomination-colored glasses before they read the Bible. (*sigh*)
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    Hypergrace Mockers

    An either/or question to make me look bad either way. A slippery one, isn't he? Not only am I bad, but now I'm an attacker & he's exposing me. Oh, my! Whatever will he do now that I'm attacking him?:LOL: You know what I think? I think the audience should check both of our profiles & posts &...
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    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Men started the license issue. In the beginning it wasn't so. The first generation church didn't have boards or bylaws or even a sanctuary. And no one had authority to order anyone except Christ because it's His church, & the Holy Spirit to teach & lead the flock in ministry.
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    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    You're not understanding the context at all. In 1Tim, the historical context as well as the scripture context is showing this is about personal conduct in public & marriage relationships, not holding offices. 1Cor is about women's conduct in the church. Both cities had Temples to female dieties...
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    Hypergrace Mockers

    Yes it is. Especially when you don't have an answer, jus' turn it back on the questioner. You've been here on CC a really long time, haven't you? You seem to have "honed yer skills" in these forums. Don't think for a moment you're gonna draw me into one of your OSAS arguments. I can just put...
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    Worse than an infidel

    You don't know her. You know nothing of what she may have been through. AAMOF, I could say you're venting on her doing this. Have you ever lived in the projects? You sound like you haven't. I have & I couldn't wait to get out. Some are spiritual strongholds, evil places. You sound to me like a...
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    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Acts 2 says "your sons & daughters shall prophesy, and also on bondslaves, both men & women. Thayer's lexicon to prophesy, i. e. to be a prophet, speak forth by divine inspiration; to predict (Herodotus, Pindar, Euripides, Plato, Plutarch, others); a. universally, Matthew 7:22. b. with the idea...
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    Hypergrace Mockers

    Gee, I didn't realize I fell into the no spin zone.
  13. E

    Hypergrace Mockers

    You weren't that far off.;)
  14. E

    The Books of Enoch.

    If there's no "Giants" of huge size then why has the Smithsonian Institute been running around the past hundred years or so collecting bones from burial sites all over the US and getting rid of them? Do the research... many stories say the same thing... They pick them up & we never see them again.
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    Hypergrace Mockers

    So when you tell the Lord you're sorry for sinning against Him you have no grief or sorrow over it? Not at all?
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    Hypergrace Mockers

    What gets me is folks will say no one in the hypergrace movement believes they think they can live licentiously, yet here we are in the Falling Away, & those falling away are living licentiously in false doctrine. The Bible says we're in the Falling Away, but who in the Hypergrace Movement can...
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    Hypergrace Mockers

    This is true. I've seen hypergrace sites on the internet that that says repentance is simply a change of mind.
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    Sounds like someone's building their resume' to get a job at the National Inquirer.:ROFL:
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    Tips for Living With Trump Derangement Syndrome

    C'mon guys, we should be old enough to know by now that it's all paid players acting on a stage. Really, how can so many Democrats hate Trump so much without paying someone to pull the trigger? They have all those they pay in those hate groups to burn down buildings in Oregon, & even killed a...
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    Origin of Coronavirus

    Scary, but true. They're called elitists.