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  1. MultilingualMessenger

    Gay wedding

    Short answer: being an unbeliever doesn't make the marriage itself a sin. A same-sex marriage by nature is against God's design, just by the very act of two people of the same sex trying to become one. An opposite-sex marriage (a.k.a. a marriage) is what God intended. That said, I also don't...
  2. MultilingualMessenger

    Gay wedding

    Show him love, of course. But what do you consider "shunning" and what do you consider "showing love"? In my mind, it's showing him love to not go. (Something like refusing to speak to him again would be shunning.) Not going to his wedding would not be shunning and going to his wedding would...
  3. MultilingualMessenger

    Gay wedding

    You don't have to wish a non-Christian death and destruction; that's where they're headed anyway. Better to let them know that the life they're living is not the Way and point them to Jesus. Approving of their sin is not the way to do that.
  4. MultilingualMessenger

    Is Everyone OK? (CC Singles Forum Post-Valentine's Day Roll Call!)

    I went to a movie night. We watched "Up". :)
  5. MultilingualMessenger

    Late Term Abortion vs Racism, The Greater Sin?

    True, they are. But they only admit to being for one of those and verbally rail against the other in public.
  6. MultilingualMessenger

    Late Term Abortion vs Racism, The Greater Sin?

    What's crazy is that in America, abortion came out of racism, but the Democrats are completely fine with abortion but not racism. It's like they don't know why abortion was brought to the table in the first place or something. If they're against racism and they know the history of abortion in...
  7. MultilingualMessenger

    Late Term Abortion vs Racism, The Greater Sin?

    I read that post as sarcastic.
  8. MultilingualMessenger

    When Family Attacks

    Candy solves everything. Didn't you know?
  9. MultilingualMessenger

    Speak Your Mind.

    Gonna be cold here too. In fact, it's gonna be so cold tomorrow that everything will be closed.
  10. MultilingualMessenger

    Speak Your Mind.

    Happy birthday mailmandan!! *big hug* Here's your cake: Sorry there are no candles...
  11. MultilingualMessenger

    Quitting Smoking

    Cut off your source of cigarettes. Since you're getting your cigarettes from someone else, cut off or significantly reduce your contact with that person (or those people) as much as you can. And wherever you go to get those cigarettes, don't go anymore, if you can avoid that place at all.
  12. MultilingualMessenger

    Toxic US "youts" in Trump hats mock Native American; school condemns students

    It seems like you're using the word "hate" recklessly just to make a point that isn't even correct. If you can't admit that Jesus is correct about the world hating us, I don't even know what to say for you as a Christian. 1. Christians are pushing for a theocracy? Where? 2. What about the...
  13. MultilingualMessenger

    Toxic US "youts" in Trump hats mock Native American; school condemns students

    :ROFL: That's like saying I'm a plane crash survivor because I was alive when Aaliyah died. Technically I survived the crash, but not being in it really helped.
  14. MultilingualMessenger

    I need advice

    Either you love each other well or he's abusive. One or the other. And it seems pretty clear from your description that he's abusive. Just leave already. As far as we know, you don't have kids or any shared assets with this guy, so I'm not sure what the hold up is...
  15. MultilingualMessenger

    If you find a bomb, don’t lie on it!

    He would have been real selfless if the bomb went off...but not in a good way...
  16. MultilingualMessenger

    When Family Attacks

    :( It's time to go on strike! I think a good way to not let other people's hurtful actions take up emotional space is to try not to worry about things that God wouldn't have you account for. (See Romans 14:12)
  17. MultilingualMessenger

    When Family Attacks

    This sounds about right. I think the best thing to do at this point is forgive her (which doesn't have to involve her; that can be between just you and God) and limit contact with her as much as you can. I definitely wouldn't initiate any contact from this point, and I would feel no guilt about...
  18. MultilingualMessenger

    If you find a bomb, don’t lie on it!

    Situations like this are the reason we have unnecessary warning labels. (Or at least, one would think they'd be unnecessary.)