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  1. MultilingualMessenger

    Ask the user below you a question

    Singing Same question.
  2. MultilingualMessenger

    Ask the user below you a question

    Strawberry Cheesecake What was the best day of your life?
  3. MultilingualMessenger

    Speak Your Mind.

    Happy New Year 2020!
  4. MultilingualMessenger

    Speak Your Mind.

    Thanks! I'm doing well. Super busy with grad school at the moment, so I usually just lurk around here and use less time for actually posting. I pop in every now and then. I haven't forgotten you guys <3
  5. MultilingualMessenger

    Christmas Match

    A cute guy, physically fit, somewhere near my age give or take 5 years, with a great sense of humor. Bonus if he doesn't mind good song references or even makes a few himself.
  6. MultilingualMessenger

    Speak Your Mind.

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  7. MultilingualMessenger

    Fact Checking LBGTQ+

    True, but guests are always watching.
  8. MultilingualMessenger

    Fact Checking LBGTQ+

    I don't mind you asking. It has :)
  9. MultilingualMessenger

    Fact Checking LBGTQ+

    You turning from your sin should not be contingent on whether other people turn from theirs. At the end of the day, you can only turn from and be cleansed of yours. I repent when I fall short. Whether others are told to repent for other things does not determine whether I decide to ask for...
  10. MultilingualMessenger

    Do you enjoy your singleness?

    I can relate. I'm kept busy with work, school and hobbies, so I don't think about it much. That said, I have my moments of loneliness and longing and my moments of appreciation for freedom, quiet and spontaneity. Most of the time, I'm neutral towards being single.
  11. MultilingualMessenger

    Fact Checking LBGTQ+

    I personally wouldn't give a ding dang. Sin is sin. Everyone, regardless of how they were (supposedly) born, must be born again.
  12. MultilingualMessenger

    Daughter not respecting family values

    She's 19. That's an adult. If she won't respect your rules, give her 30 days (or some other length of time that you choose) to get her own place and she can sin up a storm there if she wants to.
  13. MultilingualMessenger

    Gay wedding

    I much enjoyed the derailing of this thread! :LOL:
  14. MultilingualMessenger

    Bachelorette - “I have had sex, and, honestly, Jesus still loves me.”

    :LOL: Honestly, it sounds like she wants to claim Jesus without having any responsibility to make any changes to her life now that He is (supposedly) Lord of it. Justification without sanctification. All talk and no walk.
  15. MultilingualMessenger

    Gay wedding

    Because the agenda is Satan's, and destroying them is part of his agenda, as is destroying anyone. The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
  16. MultilingualMessenger

    Share something slightly embarrassing about yourself.

    Sheesh, how long was it in the theater? Surely your parents aren't people who take their infant to the movies, right? (Now that's embarrassing!) One of my favorite Disney movies as a kid was The Emperor's New Groove. I used to watch it every day! I still watch it every now and then. In fact, I...
  17. MultilingualMessenger

    Share something slightly embarrassing about yourself.

    Listen to Schoolhouse Rock why don't cha! :LOL: As for me...I'm not sure. I'm not embarrassed easily, so it can be hard to know what's actually embarrassing about me. I guess I can go by something I would not want to have to explain doing in public, and one of those things is flapping my hands...
  18. MultilingualMessenger

    Unpopular Opinions

    This opinion is far from unpopular! :LOL:
  19. MultilingualMessenger

    Unpopular Opinions

    I don't like Rice Krispies treats.