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  1. E

    The vanishing male

    I would say very few know that they are a part of the falling away. Most of them don't even believe in a falling away. Matthew 7:13“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easya that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14For the gate is narrow and the...
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    "Among The"

    Notice these verses with the words "among the" in them: Matthew 13:49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, Luke 24:5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the...
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    Benny Hinn says right atmosphere necessary before God can manifest

    Exposing people like Hinn is Biblical. However, that shouldn't be the the single goal of a true christian. Ephesians 5: 11Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. 12For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret.
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    Covid 19 Reality

    Of course. We just don't know how far down the line covid is. There could be 2-5 more "epidemics" to bring economic collapse. Who knows?
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    Covid 19 Reality

    Yet the coronovirus is bringing financial collapse to many countries. But it won't be seen in the news because the govts are raising their debt ceilings to cover it. Truth be known, several countries, esp. the US is already bankrupt but covers it up with allowable debt ceilings. My goodness...
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    How to defend the doctrine of the Holy Trinity

    Even when in a fleshly body, Jesus already knew the hearts of men. Just because only the Father knows doesn't mean Jesus isn't omnicient. He knew everything else. The Father only knew this because of His authority in the Godhead. As Jesus said "no one knows but the Father", states even the Holy...
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    The Institutional Church and Denominations--please share your experience

    I hear ya. It seem to me that when every older minister retires, he is replaced with a spiritual child with earthly dreams of making it big.
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    The Institutional Church and Denominations--please share your experience

    It doesn't. Houston has been dark a long time, but nobody would believe it so they never followed up on him. The same with Francis Chan. He looked the right part when he left the mega church, but his true colors began to show. That's why we need to investigate TV preachers before we quote them...
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    How to defend the doctrine of the Holy Trinity

    Jesus can be equal with the Father(God), & at the same time submit to His authority. It's quite simple. All soldiers are people but not all are generals. Equally people & soldiers, but submit to higher ranks. 1 Corinthians 15: 24Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father...
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    The Institutional Church and Denominations--please share your experience

    Considering the news that comes out of California, unless God says otherwise, run as fast as you can. I'd pray about it first to get direction from the Lord.
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    Biblical Mary!

    The phrase "thus saith the Lord" doesn't have any particular value to me because many use it for tradition's sake. When a true prophet speaks, it's as if God Himself is speaking to His church. You must understand if God speaks through His servant, then His Spirit will convict(convince) the...
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    Biblical Mary!

    I agree. But today's church doesnt know that "catholic" means universal, or that true christians are part of that "universal" church. Since Roman Catholicism muddied the name "catholic", I no longer use the term, for it's now confusing.
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    Biblical Mary!

    Neither. If a person prophesies & it doesn't come to pass he/ she is false. If it does, he/she is true. Even then some false prophets copy the real ones & repeat what they say.
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    Biblical Mary!

    Then you're not a real person, for everybody share frustrations in life, saved or not. I live in a fleshly body, therefore I get frustrated. extra -Biblical - Pertaining to information or content outside the Bible. Acts 11:27Now in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28And...
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    Biblical Mary!

    Just because we believe differently doesn't mean we don't share the same frustrations with phonies. I see them nearly every day, & they make me sick. Hillsong, Bethel, and Steve Furtick among many others make merchandise of the church with all their fanaticism. According to scripture, they will...
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    Biblical Mary!

    I don't hate them at all. Israelites who rebelled against God were judged the harshest because of their open rebellion from God & His word. Since God is still the same, how can we judge true catholics as saved when their traditions of men far outweigh the scriptures they keep? Many scribes &...
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    Biblical Mary!

    I agree that phony signs & wonders are of the Devil. Satan has a phony system that tries to reflect everything God teaches & does thru His church. The real point is, If it wasn't for the church, Satan wouldn't have his own version, period. Satan is the religious wanna-be, the copy-cat of all...
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    Biblical Mary!

    No. God has no beginning or end. No mother. Search the scriptures. There is no life in someone who refuses to face the truth. I don't dislike you because you're lost, for God loves the whole world. But I do desire for you to accept the biblical Jesus as savior & Lord who He alone is the true...
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    Biblical Mary!

    True catholics aren't christians because of their open rebellion in their doctrine. Such rebellion when they could read their own bible that states the truth is unacceptable. It would surprise you to know that many differences in Protestant doctrine is because of catholicism. It is a terrible...
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    Is the OT relevant to Christians?

    1Cor 10:6Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did. 7Do not be idolaters as some of them were; as it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.” 8We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did, and...