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  1. E

    Church leadership, or hierarchy

    Hello hornetguy, Here's Jesus' own words about "ruling others" in the church. Mat 20:25But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be...
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    question: Can an unsaved person be baptized in the Holy Spirit?

    This is incorrect. The disciples were already saved after Jesus' resurrection & before the day of Pentecost. They already believed in Him, but Jesus had to fulfill the Law to bring their salvation.
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    What does that simple question reveal?

    Acts 19:1And it happened that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the inland country and came to Ephesus. There he found some disciples. 2And he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they said, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy...
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    Gedaliah Assassinated

    To add to this, it's not usually those who claim "It's not me" when sin is discussed. Even Jesus' disciples, when He mentioned, "One of you shall betray Me" asked the Lord "Is it I?"
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    Gedaliah Assassinated

    Not everyone. Those who argue & bicker with one another, & those who who desire to have the preeminence among us can't possibly submitted to the Lord.
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    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Because you said so? Pray & study the scripture. There's new things you need to learn.
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    Covet?? Am i breaking the law by collecting bibles???

    It depends. Do you collect them for a ministry purpose, or just to have them? The latter is vanity, & possibly hoarding.
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    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    There is no rapid increase of women pastors. There's only a small percentage of them.
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    What is the primary reason for the end-time Tribulation?

    I always thought there were 3 reasons: 1. Restore Israel to it former glory. 2. Judge the world for sin committed. 3. Make all things new & pure.
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    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    People can be so double-minded & hypocritical. I remember this subject came up before & many said that women could pastor IF there was no one else to do it. Now with churches everywhere without pastors, many of those same people say no. It's no wonder God is judging His church when His people...
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    Why tongues of fire at Pentecost?

    New International Version They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. New Living Translation Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. English Standard Version And divided tongues as of fire appeared to...
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    Moving on to Genius chapter 3

    Threads like these are to slander the Word, anger members & start arguments. I suggest leaving this thread alone & report the author.
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    Wisdom may come out of man's mouth, But only if the Lord gave it to him to say.
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    [Unforgivable Sin] Finally! Scriptural Defense That One CAN'T Commit IT (Unpardonable Sin)

    BTW, Anion, WHY are you shouting in print? We need to remember that a good witness is not only correct, but uses the correct spirit to present Christ. The correct answer, with the wrong spirit, is still the wrong answer. It can still be sin.
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    Beware of online ministries

    What I am saying is our actions can start habits without realizing it. Those habits then turn into unbelief.
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    Beware of online ministries

    IF I looked at all the false teachers whether or not on the internet, I would not notice the real ones due to my disgust with the false ones. I know this because I used to dislike prophecy due to all the false prophets & prophecy conferences. It took the Lord to show me I was wrong for judging...
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    What Would You Have Done?

    Jesus never wrote about tithes. None of the apostles wrote about tithes. Tithing is only listed one time in Hebrews as OT history. Most denominations that teach tithing have control issues, which means they want control which is against Jesus' teachings. God loves a cheerful giver. But how does...
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    New Age practices in the body of Christ

    Hardly. There's an old saying... Some are called, some are sent, some have just got up & went.
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    New Age practices in the body of Christ

    We hear hardly nothing how the elitists are doing everything to lower the population by messing with nature, but that doesn't mean the plan exists.