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  1. E

    Grace or Works - For It Cannot Be Both

    I wouldn't believe such a person. Jesus said it plainly: "You shall know them by their fruit." Every one has faith. God has given every man the measure of faith, but no, not everyone is saved. There's much to the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."
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    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    I wouldn't recommend being ecumenical since the RCC and Universalism is at the heart of it.
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    Grace or Works - For It Cannot Be Both

    James 2:14What use is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works? Can [j]that faith save him? 15If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, 16and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, [k]be warmed and be filled,” yet you do not give...
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    Grace or Works - For It Cannot Be Both

    It's funny how such a statement(in red) could be so easily overlooked.
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    Grace or Works - For It Cannot Be Both

    "Through faith" is NOT a one & done. IF it were so, there would be no falling away, no apostasy of the church in these last days like the Bible says it is.
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    Grace or Works - For It Cannot Be Both

    We all agree that our salvation is "by grace through faith". What many do not know is what "through faith" means. Through faith is showing faith by faithful obedience that proves what we actually believe. Those who believe in "grace alone" are NOT saved, for they have no proven faith. Luke 6:46...
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    The topic of doctrine

    Mark 7: 5 And the Pharisees and the scribes *asked Him, “Why do Your disciples not walk in accordance with the tradition of the elders, but eat their bread with [e]unholy hands?” 6But He said to them, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘THIS PEOPLE HONORS ME...
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    Hatred of the Jews

    Those who think they can make it won't because of their own pride & arrogance, trusting in themselves.
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    The Thorns are Rising and Increasing

    There's always christians that believe they're ready who hasn't done much of anything spiritually or has been busy doing things in church that anyone can do, believing their good works will take care of it. It's the "spiritual fruit" that matters because Jesus said you will know them by their fruit.
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    The Great Trade Down, part 1. Teaching/Preaching

    There was a time we would hear preached, "Don't let the Devil get his foot in the door of your life, for once he does he's in." We don't hear that anymore, now we hear stuff like,"that's a small thing to worry about, why should we make a big deal about it?" There was a time when only the...
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    The Great Trade Down, part 1. Teaching/Preaching

    God dealt with me recently that the church has been guilty of trading down from righteousness to unrighteousness with methods, styles, & so forth in order to keep up with the times or other churches. Many pastors are trading down the anointing of God for books or internet sermons to...
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    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    Whoa, fellas.... This isn't the season to be naughty.:)
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    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    If tithes were for the NT church, it would have been written about somewhere, but it isn't. For instance, we all know Paul was takin up offerings for the poor church at Jerusalem. Yet Paul asked for no tithes to help them. No church was asked to share of their tithes to Jerusalem. In fact...
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    Walking Pneumonia

    Wow...just wow. I myself am an antivaxxer, having done all my own research thru the years. To a certain point I'm anti-doctor. The reason? Most doctors are taught by professors who have been paid by the pharmaceutical companies. It is almost illegal(some states it is) for a doctor to prescribe...
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    Walking Pneumonia

    Mention it seriously at least once. When they refuse to listen, there's nothing you can do.
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    Walking Pneumonia

    My Dad had the flu 2 years straight. The reason? He took the flu shot 2 years straight. He quit taking it & never had it again. If you really want to know about whether doctors know best, research the AMA. There's documentaries that will destroy your faith in the AMA. Research how the FDA has...
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    Isn't it that the commandments of God is for everybody?

    I looked again & again, & couldn't see the offense. But the hair trigger was quite obvious. IF the "offense" were forgiven, no one would have noticed anything. Back to the subject..... Since I'm not a wife, commandments to them are not for me. So no, not every commandment is for everybody. I...
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    You really ought to search the scriptures. Judgment can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances. Is not God judging between the righteous & the fallen when He separates them in a church split? The righteous somehow find a good church while the others are sent to a bad place where they...
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    Judgment is NOT to be always seen as condemnation. Israel was judged many times by God for its sins to turn them around to restoration. The church is being judged now during the falling away before the tribulation begins. Those who truly see it are working out their salvation with fear &...