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  1. E

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Or if they had blue roofs on them. :)
  2. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    Would like to see your source.
  3. E

    Some Issues I have with Speaking in Tongues

    The "tongues" you spoke were demonic, just as running around naked & having nasty tantrums. You are NOT saved, and you need spiritual deliverance as soon as possible.
  4. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    It seems to me folks are searching for the absolute chaotic videos to try to prove something against Pentecostalism. This happens quite often on CC. Another lie used is putting the Pentecostal movement(1906) and the charismatic movement(1967) together as if they are the same. THEY ARE NOT...
  5. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    He cannot enter, he can only influence & manipulate from the outside(temptation)
  6. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    This is what triggered the Falling Away. (Gr. apostasia, apostasy)
  7. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    The church grieves the Holy Spirit, by introducing false, unproven doctrine. Doing so is rebellion to God & rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. 1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the...
  8. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    One of the greatest truthful accusations against the church is that they no longer hold to their standards. You won't even hear the word used anymore. Because of this, churches compromise with false teaching, and then wonder what happened to their anointing. They lost their anointing because...
  9. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    Jesus said you will know them by their fruit. If christians believes this teaching stubbornly, many wouldn't be listening to the praise & worship of a lot of churches whose preaching they refuse. Luke 6:43For there is no good tree that bears bad fruit, nor, [ae]on the other hand, a bad tree that...
  10. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    Yes, they are protected. But that doesn't mean the devil isn't present. During alter calls, what do you think makes sinners & sometimes saints not go up front for prayer? As many have said in the past, Satan is more committed to going to church than we are. There wouldn't be ANY spiritual...
  11. E

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    In ALL of Paul's journeys in the Bible, NOTHING was listed in receiving tithes for the poor church at Jerusalem. Yet he told the other churches to have their offerings ready when he comes. Tithes was NOT an offering.
  12. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    WHY does so many say it's all of the devil? Maybe this is why.... Exodus 7: 8Now the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, 9“When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘Work a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, so that it may turn into a...
  13. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    But you still have a foot to stand on, yes?;)
  14. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    I'm a little late in this thread, but I have some advice. When unsure about any manifestation of the Spirit, always ask yourself... What was the purpose of that? Does anyone leave with a real change? Jesus wouldn't send the Holy Spirit unto us to simply shake us up or knock us down without...
  15. E

    Woman first....what do you think?

    Preach means to proclaim. The great commission tells us EVERY christian is to proclaim the Gospel. The woman at the well ran & told all the people to "come & see a man who told me all I did. Is not this the Christ?" The whole city came out to hear Jesus because of what she did. Imagine that...
  16. E

    Raptures In The Movies

    Im not a violent man & not usually quick to judge, but as I read your post, the first thing that crossed my mind was if you were sitting beside me I'd reach over & smack you. You are clueless of how you will feel the instant you are changed. The curse of sin lifted, every ache & pain gone, the...
  17. E

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Not trying to brag or anything, but I once finished a puzzle in under a week. It said 2-4 years on the box.
  18. E

    can you guys post something funny please?

    One to add: Mark Batterson: He wasn't crossing the road, he was scratching out a prayer circle.:LOL:
  19. E

    God Uses The Uncommon

    Um, actually that would have been Gamaliel, the teacher of Saul of Tarsus. Not actually the best, but the most well known.:) It's ok. Have a cup of coffee, that will perk your brain up.:coffee: