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  1. Fillan

    Transgender pain

    Sorry to hear that you're in pain Greyfray. It's good to have you here. The bible tells us to bear one another's burdens (Galatians 6:2). Hopefully in some small way we'll help you to bear yours. We live in a fallen world and many things can go wrong because it's a fallen world. The...
  2. Fillan

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    Hello Edify. Good message, agreed. I went through a similar position several years ago in a Pentecostal church I was part of for eight years. The first year was precious, then a new pastor who was into 'prosperity preaching', the next seven I stayed in the church going through sadness on an...
  3. Fillan

    I'm finished with religion and church

    Hello Mary! If we look at the teachings and example of Jesus, he wasn't about setting up an earthly, worldly Kingdom. John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now...
  4. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I tell people about the health benefits of eating dried grapes. It's all about raisin awareness. :)
  5. Fillan

    Comment by 'Fillan' in media 'sweet duckie'

    Lovely, thanks for sharing! :)
  6. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I used to think I was indecisive but now I'm not too sure. :)
  7. Fillan


    Welcome to CC! Greetings from a brother in the Lord in Scotland. I hope you'll be happy here and have many wonderful times of fellowship. Be blessed and be a blessing! :)
  8. Fillan

    Which Bible Verses Will Prepare You for the Post-Tribulation Rapture (and the Great Tribulation Before That?)

    Hello iamsoandso! Thanks for replying to me. Good point. Jesus also held up a Roman Coin and said: “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's” (Matthew 22:21 NASB). So Jesus didn't think Roman money was the mark of the beast. God Bless You :)
  9. Fillan

    Which Bible Verses Will Prepare You for the Post-Tribulation Rapture (and the Great Tribulation Before That?)

    Hello. I think this verse answers your question: Revelation 13: 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads It has not happened yet because no such event has involved all people. Some folks called...
  10. Fillan

    Is putting someone on Ignore,really ignoring them?

    IMHO reconciliation is good. Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. :)
  11. Fillan

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I tried to climb a really tall tower in France but Eiffel off ;)
  12. Fillan

    Great to have you back Oyster. PTL>

    Great to have you back Oyster. PTL>
  13. Fillan

    Are disease and illness actually spiritual attacks?

    Hello Mary, I think illnesses sometimes can have a spiritual cause, but often-times there is a natural cause. Natural causes can be helped by a few simple steps. Get a good night's sleep, eat healthy-avoid high sugar, high salt and processed foods with unhealthy additives. Try to de-stress...
  14. Fillan

    Dependence on advanced technology.

    Here are a few others: Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell- Scotland Television- John Logie Baird- Scotland Telegraph-Alexander Bain-Scotland Steam Engine-James Watt- Scotland Logarithms-John Napier- Scotland Saline Drip-Thomas Latta-Scotland Penicillin-Alexander Fleming- Scotland The hypodermic...
  15. Fillan

    Churches and Christians keep telling us to pray for the healing of the nation, but....

    Hello Cameron! I agree that the promise there was given to Israel and operates within the covenant God made with Israel, a covenant he has made with no other nation (Psalm 147:20). As a principle for all peoples, interesting Q. I have often heard 2 Chronicles 7:14 used as a standalone verse...
  16. Fillan

    Churches and Christians keep telling us to pray for the healing of the nation, but....

    Absolutely! We are called to be salt and light in the world, while at the same time remembering the words of Jesus 'My Kingdom is not of this world' (John 18:36). God Bless You :)
  17. Fillan

    Comment by 'Fillan' in media '20221123_160916.jpg'

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. God Bless You :)
  18. Fillan

    Does getting the "Trib" correct help?

    hello! In one sense all believers are looking forward to the return of the Lord, making the most of every opportunity and the time we have and looking forward to being with the Lord and together with loved ones who have passed on. However I also think that understanding what the bible says...