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  1. Fillan


    Interesting topic! 2 Timothy chapters 3 & 4 talk about perilous times coming in the last days, the days we're living in. For example: For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of...
  2. Fillan

    Greetings Beloved!

    Welcome Caan. Good to have you here! Warm greetings in the Lord from Scotland :)
  3. Fillan

    Evangelicals the most unfavorable religion

    Hello Dude! Many of the questionable preachers seem to be genuinely popular with the world. For example I saw an interview between Oprah Winfrey and a preacher called 'Joel Olsteen', who is controversial among many Christians but whom I believe has one of the largest congregations in the USA...
  4. Fillan

    Evangelicals the most unfavorable religion

    Hello! I would say so, yes. Some brothers and sisters on the thread have posted and asked if it is something American Evangelicals are doing to generate hatred, politics or nationalism, speaking out on abortion or homosexuality. But this cannot be the underlying reason. Evangelical Christians...
  5. Fillan

    New to bible where do I start?

    That sounds like a good idea! Hopefully Anthony will find a good start in the gospels and Psalms. God Bless You :)
  6. Fillan

    Newbie from Italy

    Buona sera e benvenuta! I love Italy and have been there many times. Sono Scozzese. Piacere! :)
  7. Fillan

    Hello I’m lonely

    Welcome! The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all (Psalm 34:19) :)
  8. Fillan

    Hi. New here.

    Welcome! Scotland here. Good to meet you :)
  9. Fillan

    What’s everyone up to tonight?

    I work evenings in a library. Fairly busy night. Hope you're all doing well today :)
  10. Fillan

    5 Points of Arminianism

    Amusing but perhaps also raises an interesting point. God Bless :)
  11. Fillan

    State sanctioned gambling

    Yes. The government in Britain have been passing laws to make accessing gambling easier for some years now. It's sad. I have known even Christians who had a serious gambling problem. This is definitely an issue the church should speak out on, speaking out against the prevalence of gambling...
  12. Fillan

    Only 4 Percent of Americans Hold a Biblical Worldview

    Praise the Lord for the 4%! In Scotland the situation may be even bleaker, it has been said 1.5% of people are attached to a bible believing church. But it always has been a narrow path and a small gate to life. Which makes fellowship with other believers even more precious. God Bless All :)
  13. Fillan

    Why Moses and Elijah were at the transfiguration.

    Good to meet you! From the book of Revelation, the description given does sound like Moses and Elijah: Revelation 11:6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth...
  14. Fillan

    New guy here

    Hello! Yes I'm in Scotland. I have a friend and former colleague in California, he emigrated there in 2019 to get married. I hope you find a spiritual home here. God Bless You :)
  15. Fillan

    New guy here

    Welcome! Good to meet you! In this country we have two weeks more before clocks change, are we behind or are you ahead? :) God Bless You.
  16. Fillan

    The State of the World Today! Is it the Endtimes??????

    Hello! Good to meet you. The 'rapture', 'harpazo' in Greek (catching up) comes from here: 1 Thessalonians4: 7 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Just wondering...
  17. Fillan

    Homeschool is the solution

    Hello Beckie. I agree that the return of the Jews to Israel was a sign that the Lord is coming soon. But I disagree with those who stepped back. Because we're in the last of the last days it's time to step up. The battle is more intense because we're nearing the climax. Having gone to a...
  18. Fillan


    Welcome! Scotland here. I have met folks from Uganda, lovely brothers and sisters in the Lord. I hope you find a home with us here on the forum. God Bless You :)