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  1. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Peter was sent to God's chosen people, the Jews, while Paul was sent to gentiles, which were more numerous, requiring more work. Paul was never given any keys like Peter has. More work doesn't mean more honor or authority.
  2. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    No, but telling someone you're wrong without showing proof definitely does! Nobody even addressed these so far without providing any proof for their claims.
  3. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Having an answer about the reliability of the Bible will definitely pull people away from Islam. What do you tell people?
  4. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Wrong. Nobody even addressed these, let alone refute them. Peter was listed first among disciples (Matt. 10:1-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:14-16, Acts 1:13). Peter was the one who generally spoke for the apostles (Matt. 18:21, Mark 8:29, Luke 12:41, John 6:68-69), and he figured in many of the most...
  5. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Do you minister? Do you try to bring people to Christ? What do you tell someone who rightfully claims the Bible is corrupt and nobody knows which version is 100% accurate? Because if you don't have the answer for that, many people will simply say the original unchanged version of Quran is still...
  6. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    That's a wrong assumption on your part. A few months ago I was on your side of the aisle firmly against the authority of the Catholic church, I then did more research and found the answers. Out of dozens of verses I provided as proof, only 1 has been debunked so far.
  7. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    You must have missed the many times I've said "We must obey everything commanded by authority unless it contradicts the Bible." I agree one needs to be born again, that doesn't change the fact that one needs to obey the laws of his country and the church, because rebelling against authority is...
  8. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Agreed, but the point of this discussion is finding which version is the truest (if any) because many opponents of Christianity use our lack of knowledge to pull people into Islam.
  9. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Pharisees did a lot worse than that, so that's irrelevant. They are extremely corrupt, but so are all our earthly governments, but we still have to obey laws as told in Romans 13:1. All authority is from God, and anyone who rebels against authority, rebels against God himself. Stop rebelling...
  10. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    That's fine, it doesn't change the fact that Jesus gave Peter the keys and Peter was the chief among the apostles. Peter being a rock is a weak argument, which is why I never based my argument on it.
  11. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    No, Pharisees were heretics and apostates as well, but Jesus still told everyone to obey them in Mathew 23:3. Our spiritual authority is God and his word, but we also have physical worldly authority that we are to follow according to Romans 13:1. Do you disobey the laws of your country when you...
  12. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Did you read anything I said? You just repeated what I told you in my previous comment - we must obey all authority unless they command us to do something that contradicts the word of God, only then we must disobey, otherwise we must obey and do everything they say. Do you follow the laws of...
  13. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    That's a strawman argument, I never claimed to have chosen ESV as my authority, I am continually researching various versions of the Bible to find which one is most credible. It is you who have sided with KJV based on Bible verses you can't even prove (or refuse to prove) yourself. I found many...
  14. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    That's irrelevant because the Bible doesn't mention words like trinity or rapture by name either, but that doesn't mean the concept isn't there. Also, in Mathew 16:18 Jesus said "And I tell you, you are a Peter (rock), and on this rock, I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not...
  15. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    One thing I've noticed is that in many confusing verses where it's not clear whether a or b is being talked about, it's usually both. And in this case, ESV says it best - The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times. You, O LORD...
  16. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Yes, there is - Jesus gave Peter the keys to heaven and the charge over the apostles... Peter was listed first among disciples (Matt. 10:1-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:14-16, Acts 1:13). Peter was the one who generally spoke for the apostles (Matt. 18:21, Mark 8:29, Luke 12:41, John 6:68-69), and he...
  17. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Mathew 16:19 in light of Isiah 22 proves the line of succession.
  18. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Where in the Bible does it say their candlestick was taken away? Nowhere! You are making it up. And I understand your rebellion, I hate them too, but our feelings on this matter are irrelevant because their authority is sanctioned by God according to the Bible.
  19. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Do you follow the laws of your country? Do you break the law when you can get away with it? Romans 13:1 tells us to obey ALL authority, no matter your opinion on the corruption of the government you are under. Is Romans 13:1 supposition as well, and we don't have to follow any law? Your opinion...
  20. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Again, that's an argument from authority. If you're such an expert in ancient Hebrew, then use your expertise to refute the argument I made.