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  1. brighthouse98

    When Jesus might just arrive!

    Hope you all enjoy a story; Jesus could arrive if something like this occurs. Comrade are losing all in Ukraine, They are just to tough to fight. Very well launch 2 500 megaton nukes upon a city. Meanwhile at the White House! Mr. President Russia is fueling some birds to launch at Ukraine...
  2. brighthouse98

    Another reason possible for Putin going into the Ukraine

    Putin has saved 600 billion dollars,he needs no one at this point. So we give the Ukraine billions of dollars in arms,and we pay Russia to take the Ukraine by buying there gas? Who's side are we on?? What a mess! The shame is that we the people have to suffer for such stupidity!
  3. brighthouse98

    Another reason possible for Putin going into the Ukraine

    Sometimes in prayer I get a red flash screen across my mind,much like you all see on T.V. during a weather alert or etc... This morning in prayer this flashed. "Prime Minister Putin has cancer and is dying,hence why he is also doing this. That was it brothers and sisters. Never even thought of...
  4. brighthouse98

    Feeling so lost and lonely in life

    Brother In Need, As an Elder in the Body of Christ,my goal is to help,and give aid to those in need such as yourself. I hope you take what I write as not being mean,but I am a bottom line believer. Point 1 You must change your mindset! Feel, and try never did a thing! I look at us believers to...
  5. brighthouse98

    Is the demon allowed by God to oppress the christian in this scripture 1 peter 5:8

    In this scripture 1Peter 5:8 as you so wonderfully posted. Picture a lion searching for prey,they do not go after any prey,they hunt prey! Looking for the weakest among the group,so they have the least amount of work to capture it. Can weak believers be among the prey? Sure! And if weak enough...
  6. brighthouse98

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    Karyn,Things are far from what they used to be,the media has helped greatly in creating, and preserving fear in most people. You said you feel like,you mean you have not asked him why he is so fearful?? I would ask him why. It is not a question to me who rules the house,it is a question of how...
  7. brighthouse98

    Trump says he might pardon January 6 rioters

    No worse then the media pardoning all the riots in many states. And where was the outrage for the cop killing an unarmed person? And how is it the U.S citizens are being treated as bad as China treats those in its slave camps? It is amazing how much of a doubled standard there is in our Country!
  8. brighthouse98

    Gird your Loins

    Job 38:3 Even as God himself corrected Job of his sin( Job 34:34-37) Most never see this scripture,so it is with God's people now on earth. Do not depart from the faith!! I have been in great pain over the past 3 days,and in prayer I wondered why? Here is what the Holy Spirit related to me I...
  9. brighthouse98

    I want to rededicate my life to Jesus

    Brother Josh, As you well know our normal surrounding have changed a great deal. By the way I loved your favorite verse in Eph, that whole chapter of redemption sure keeps us thankful even through we all will make mistakes. So now what can I as an elder of the Church help you to continue. 1...
  10. brighthouse98

    I believe God spoke to me recently

    Brother tsmtuf After some 3 months of becoming a new Born again believer at the tender age of 22, I was in my Pastors house,the Pastor and his wife asked me to watch the house while they went to the store,sure fine I said,I went into his den to pray,just general prayer,I asked the Lord of he...
  11. brighthouse98

    Is it okay to kiss your boyfriend before merriegd?

    3 second rule on the kiss Katheran.. hehe After that you will find the flesh wants more then a kiss!! I know about the Holy Kisses stuff,but I never greet any of the saints that way,and here is why!!( Luke 22:48) I think of this every time! Fist bump or a nod of my head,no hugging either! lol It...
  12. brighthouse98

    I really messed up.

    Sister Sadie1123 Your 1 Peter 3:15 is to be done in you. Do not be afraid,but rather through a mistake, a great blessing for you can also be waiting! Remember Paul and Silas sis?? ( Acts 16:22-26) Verse 26 sis!!! You have the ability now to help others,rather then feeling bad for yourself. I...
  13. brighthouse98


    Lord Jesus,Many of your people are having a hell of a year! Tornado's in Dec??? Sickness of every kind, Money woe's because of this inflation,a President who does not know if he is coming or going?? LORD!!!!! HELP YOUR PEOPLE!!!!! WE as your people should not have to deal with all of this...
  14. brighthouse98

    To all the people affected by these terrible Tornado's

    Some have lost everything, 8000 power lines down and some have no water! Know this!! WE LOVE YOU!!! Your courage will help many who think they have it bad. Stay strong,I lived in Kentucky for many years,I loved the people there,straight forward in there speech,and there word was indeed there...
  15. brighthouse98

    Does God's justice always prevails here on earth?

    Brother or sister Redcars First I am very sorry for the bondage they, and you have gone through! I remember long ago when I was working in a store because I am a believer in our Jesus they made fun of me,and gave me tasks most people would have quit on,I went into prayer to have the Lord give...
  16. brighthouse98

    not feeling good

    Sister levi85 I myself have never seen the entire world in such conflict whether in India or here in the United States! A Virus which has tuned people against people! And most of the News media has not helped this one bit! As you know dear sister words can effect greatly our feeling over any one...
  17. brighthouse98

    Prayer needed for a friend

    Brother TSTumf I have a Word for your dear sister( Rev14:13)" And the Lord says to her Beloved do not be sad for he is with me and is smiling upon having no more pain, and he is smiling also at you,for he knows that his kind deeds with always be upon your rememberance," That is what I...
  18. brighthouse98

    Recently Became Christian

    Brother Kafziel I thought you made a most intersting statement when asked about being saved,you said I witnessed Spirit,may I ask what you meant by that? Anyway, as a new believer,I would do the following. 1. Find a good body of Christ for we all need support.2. Stay in God's Word DAILY!! As any...
  19. brighthouse98

    Another verse to contemplate...

    Brother justbyfaith The scripture you gave to consider is a fine reminder to the need for each believer to have at least two tools in their tool box, balance, and order. This scripture in Rom follows after the scripture found here(Gal 6:7) For at least to me as a disciple balance is order! (...
  20. brighthouse98

    Does god hate dogs

    LOL ask him what man did that sis. Adam named all animals, so what man was around to create anything before Adam ?? LOL Your friend is in error sis, believe God's Word, not man.( Isaiah 2:22, and Psalm 146:3-4) In the end sis it is your choice who to believe.