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  1. brighthouse98

    The tattoo thread.

    Dear sisterThe Narrowpath, pray about it, and YOU decide!! God will put a mark on us anyway!! LOL (2 Tim 2:19 and Rev 7:3) Now I have none myself, I came close while being in special forces, but never did, but I know many believers who have them, I sure do not judge what they themselves wish to...
  2. brighthouse98

    Please pray for Colton

    What I am about to say I truly believe!! EVERY person has access to our Lord Jesus, we cannot make them believe. It took the Lord himself to gain my favor!! lol He found me hiding in a mop closet in college lol Fear NOT!!! The Lord will find him to!! Especially because the Lord hears our plea...
  3. brighthouse98

    Can one man save the World

    Fine point arthur! I know the Ukraine is corrupt as well But as far as the United States is concerned, we do not want Russia to gain ground here, because Poland is to close, and one mistake could go to a step no one wants. So good point!!
  4. brighthouse98

    Can one man save the World

    Correct p_rehbein!! BUT!!!! In order to receive that salvation, you must believe to receive! The World itself will be destroyed on the last day as we know, so if the World itself was saved then there would be no need for Jesus to return. Now how did this happen you may wonder, we'll let us go to...
  5. brighthouse98

    Can one man save the World

    5 for fighting has just put out a new video in Ukraine with what is left of the Ukraine orchestra. Mr. President, we have given billions of dollars to keep the War going there. Let's give them what they need to stop the terrible slaughter of humanity!! DO IT NOW!!! Hope you all enjoy this very...
  6. brighthouse98

    The Greatest depression is coming, are you ready?

    You know ZNP this reminds me of something which happened long ago (Genesis 47:13-16!!) This will cause a separation of the wheat from the chaff, in other words people will draw closer to the faith or leave the faith, the time of great testing has arrived I believe! If some are on the fence, that...
  7. brighthouse98

    Should Christians be allowed to own a gun legally?

    Sister salvation, many do not believe we need one, I personally believe all believers should have some protection (Luke 22:36-38!!). Jesus told his people to buy a sword, why? Because if another person is in trouble, YOU can help them!! Peter had no problem cutting the ear off a soldier, and...
  8. brighthouse98

    What is the Biblical Definition of WORK?

    Brother Carry, (James 1:22) A dog acts like a dog, a believer should act like a believer. saying one believes means one acts like they believe. The only work we have is to believe in our Jesus, and by believing would one not act as if they believe? I would say so, otherwise one's words mean...
  9. brighthouse98

    I'm new.

    Hey Blueskies neither was Moses!!! And look what the Lord did thru him!!! LOL (Exodus 4:10)
  10. brighthouse98

    I'm new.

    Brother Jerry, first welcome, next, there is not a soul here who could even think about going to heaven after one die's if Jesus does not consider his own Word for everyone!! (Phil 4:7-9!!!) All he wants from us is to BELIEVE HIM!!! and BE Thankful!!(1 Thess 5:18) His very will!! And if we...
  11. brighthouse98

    Another reason possible for Putin going into the Ukraine

    When you call a missile which says Satan 2 it sure does not take a genius to figure that out as well! Great point as well!
  12. brighthouse98


    Brother Auther, why so indeed! Truth as we well know sets us free, so anything spoken which rejects this is false. But as we all know most have grown up with a certain Church Doctrine that they almost must swear to it to become a member. Most Church's' are really just clubs! Sad to say that...
  13. brighthouse98

    How I became a Christian.

    Brother Seeking Christ, The question I had to answer was just how important is Christ in your life? Meaning how much time is one willing to make for our Jesus? TIME!!!! The secret lies here brother.( 1 Thess 5:18!!!) There no longer has to be any fear at all of one's salvation! If we are born...
  14. brighthouse98

    What are UFOs to you?

    Eli 1 As you know brother the Word says that there would be strange things from the sky (Proverbs 23:33) and one could possible use Luke 25 as well I suppose. Point 1 If seen are you fearful? Well, we sure know that fear to the believer is not accepted! (2 Tim 1:7) point 2 Darkness hides itself...
  15. brighthouse98

    Another reason possible for Putin going into the Ukraine

    WOW LetGodBeTrue, interesting perspective!! But Putin is sure not helping in killing innocent children, bombing hospitals on purpose either. That is sure not helping. The other stuff you mentioned I knew of only 2 Labs for us there but ok 12 is sure a lot. I also agree that Zelensky's is no...
  16. brighthouse98

    Am I in the wrong for drawing violent stuff?

    Brother ChristianLad,first welcome. I wish I could draw; I cannot even make a good stickman lol I would be interested to find out if what you are drawing is a first step in danger from going on to then acting them out in real life. ( Phil 4:7-9) This my good brother is what your mind should be...
  17. brighthouse98


    I need to hear from you. Ever write that? When I cannot seem to sleep, that tells me one thing,oops better check in!! LOL Meaning Jesus wants to hear from me in prayer for a while. One spends about 12 Hours doing what they want to do,unfortunaly prayer does not seem to be one of those things...
  18. brighthouse98

    If all the Bibles disappeared would there still be enough revelation to know Jesus?

    For those who have Bibles Brother Rough ( Rom 1:18-20) And for those who do not, all they have to do is look around!! LOL Could any person make the anomy of man or woman? Could any man create all the birds of the air, or the animals on the ground? To me brother it is just common sense. Now ones...
  19. brighthouse98

    When Jesus might just arrive!

    Ah what if is not knowing lol
  20. brighthouse98

    When Jesus might just arrive!

    How many would expect that??? LOL