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  1. stilllearning

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    They are just looking at periods of time is all. Personally I agree with you for an individual to know what there return was they will have to sell. However, that does not have a bearing if we just want to compare two different periods of time and the returns in the comparison.
  2. stilllearning

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    Capital gains is only going to be paid when you sell and of course have a capital gain. If we are talking taxes here they can get really complicated fast on investments. For example I will invest in some vehicles that have a built-in NAV erosion. So if I buy such a vehicle at 20 and it erodes...
  3. stilllearning

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    The figures cover a 4 year period of time so they did make adjustments on each period to be able to arrive at an annualized return for a 4 year period.
  4. stilllearning

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    Not at all. I just said I did not do the math for inflation is all. That does not mean that the financial publication that wrote the article did not do so. So my answer was no I did not. Seeing that they did list annually for the returns that is going to be average which means they would...
  5. stilllearning

    Tonight's Presidential Debate I did not feel like doing the math for that so I just did a straight total return just to point out that Dan did in fact do better under Trump. In either case though both returns have beat inflation.
  6. stilllearning

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    We have to go all the way back to George H. Bush to find a time when the market did not hit the all time during a Presidency. So hitting the all time high is not indicative of the type of return you would have received. According to Kiplinger's in a article they did "The Best and Worst...
  7. stilllearning

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    I think one thing at all the debates that drives me crazy is when one side says we are importing more energy or oil and the other will say we increased drilling or production. The reason it drives me crazy is because both are true at the same time but the real problem is not being addressed...
  8. stilllearning

    The letters to the seven churches are for Christendom today

    These are those that the word has fallen upon thorny ground. They hear and go forth but then the cares, riches and pleasure's of this world choke out the word and they bear no fruit. They are useless salt. Luke 14:33-35 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath...
  9. stilllearning

    The letters to the seven churches are for Christendom today

    Going back through prior post and seeing if I missed any that required a response and saw this one from you. I would never make the claim that there is no unsaved persons amongst church membership. However, I would say that you believing this message is for the unsaved is incorrect. Christ...
  10. stilllearning

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    @NilsForChrist Now to build further upon my previous post we that are pretrib do not believe that his wrath in earthly form will come upon us so we will escape it by God's divine hand, the rapture. Two examples of his wrath falling in a earthly form are the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. As...
  11. stilllearning

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    They clearly work together, per God and he uses them both in conjunction. Romans 2:8-11 "But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, 9Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also...
  12. stilllearning

    A critical look at Harris

    That has grown up a lot. Back in the day I was an operational spook. So I was part of a unnamed detachment that was in Aurora. Nowadays they just admit to it since they call it NSA/CSS Colorado. So anyway at times I would take the back way up into Aurora instead of 25. So yeah the whole area...
  13. stilllearning

    A critical look at Harris

    What part of CO, you in? I am in the Springs myself.
  14. stilllearning

    A Challenge facing our nation right now

    Read further down on your citation and it will say this "The worship of this idol consisted in exposing that part of the body which all persons usually take the utmost care to conceal. " Like I said there is much more but I have to get, you choose not to believe that is cool. However, it does...
  15. stilllearning

    A Challenge facing our nation right now

    One last explanation of Baal-Peor differs from the defining of him as the lord of the mountain peor. This is different due to the interpretation of the the term “Baal-Peor”. “Baal” is still defined as “lord”, and “Peor” is still defined as “the gap”. However, this term is taken very literally...
  16. stilllearning

    A critical look at Harris

    Yeah unknown to me at the time and by chance. Back in 89 I was headed out for deployment so picked up a book called Liar's Poker. It is by Michael Lewis and was his story as a member of Salomon Brothers and their mortgage securities dept. Goes into how they came up with zero's and interest...
  17. stilllearning

    A Challenge facing our nation right now

    If you want to spend the time and do all the research you will find no exaggeration on my part and because this is family friendly I toned it down. Just using AI and typing religious practices to the god Baal-Peor this is what AI returned. "Based on biblical accounts and historical records...
  18. stilllearning

    A Challenge facing our nation right now

    Trans was found in the bible well not a full explanation. However, when you read the story of Balaam at Peor and his advice that Baalak, cast a stumbling block before the nation of Israel. When we dig into the history of their god Baal-Peor we find that his name means lord of the hole, lord of...
  19. stilllearning

    A critical look at Harris

    LOL....By Bush you mean it just happened on his watch. However, the collapse had been set in motion by Clinton, Correct? In 92 the CRA, Community Reinvestments Act revisions signed by Clinton. Clinton signed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act, which strengthened the...