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  1. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    That is not my argument. The captivity was for a period of 70 years. It was that long because they did not let the land rest for a little over 490 years. So 490 divided by 7 equals 70. The land was given rest for 70 years to make up for the unkept sabbaths concerning it. To which I then say...
  2. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    II Chronicles 36:20-21 And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: 21To fulfil the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths: for as long as...
  3. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    God also said to keep the sabbath because he brought them out of bondage in Egypt. He was making it personal to them. Reason being is God had promised Abraham he would build a nation. 3 important things are acknowledge by academia to have a nation. A shared justice system. A shared culture...
  4. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    There is also no command in the sabbath 4th commandment to let their land rest every 7 years yet God drove them into captivity in Babylon for 70 years for not keeping a yearly sabbath on the 7th year. Which you of your own accord several times made note that the yearly sabbaths were not the...
  5. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    Looking at the different arguments. There was not a command to worship every sabbath. God's appointed days to worship was in accordance with their feasts and other criteria. The sabbath the day of rest could be a day of worship if so chosen. The command from God was where to worship. Hence...
  6. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    These where mission trips or for the purpose of witnessing. It is by no means the same as early Christians setting aside a day to gather and worship collectively. The synagogues were not churches it was hostile ground that Christ warned of but seeing we are sheep led to the slaughter they were...
  7. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    It is actually quite relevant. Romans 2:14-15 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and...
  8. stilllearning

    Former pentecostal

    I agree. It is all historical account and Luke gives the full account in chapter 9. In chapter 22 he is giving the defense of Paul and what Paul said. Acts 22:1 Men, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my defence which I make now unto you. In chapter 26 he once again gives defense for himself...
  9. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    There is no division between the 10 and all the law. Deuteronomy 10:30 If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law, and if thou turn unto the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy...
  10. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    The whole law is summed up in love the Lord thy God and love your neighbor as yourself. Adam and Eve failed the first as they loved themselves. The first sin in Cain's heart was he did not love his brother. Why sin was lying at the door. It was his lack of love that was the true problem but...
  11. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    I agree and would also add how can circumcision be given so little respect and other laws elevated. As circumcision was the covenant that Christ would come by as it is the one made between Abraham and God. Which that was God's covenant to him and in no way was the 10 commandments part of that...
  12. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    The 10 commandments are a summary or a outline. When you read in Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. When the 10 commandments are mentioned they are never isolated when we read following chapters we find that they are part of the bigger picture of the whole law. Which after it is expounded...
  13. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    I agree that is the difference between the old command to love and the new command to love. It is limited vs limitless. All the old could be kept by loving according to the limited fullness of us which we could not even do that. However, the new commandment is to love according to the...
  14. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    Thank you I appreciate your honest answer. I hope you have a great day and again thanks :)
  15. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    I appreciate your response and honesty but I am still unclear as to what your answer is to my question. I reckon to be pointed as perhaps my question was not direct enough which is on me. Do you believe that Saturday is the day that God has ordained for church. Is going to church on Saturday...
  16. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    I am just curious is all because not knowing your full beliefs and conscience before God which I would never ask you to violate. Just when I see in writ like you had, the underlining is usually that only Saturday is the day we can worship God and be our church day. So curious if that is your...
  17. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    Both are ordained to acknowledge God correct? Both days of rest and to reflect on his greatness. Both to give him glory. So does get more glory if we acknowledge his greatness on the 7th day vs if we acknowledge his greatness on Monday?
  18. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    What I am getting at is that other days are indeed called holy by God and they were days of convocation. Which runs opposite of your post I quoted where you said that Saturday is the only day God named sabbath and the day to have a convocation. When God ordained other days than just Saturday...
  19. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    Yet these other days God called holy as well. So God can and does in fact call other days other than Saturday holy correct? As well as days of convocation correct?
  20. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    Leviticus 23:24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. Lev 23:27-28 &32 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it...