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  1. G

    Law keeping?

    " Christian living ' is described in the N.T. jewish living is described in the O.T. we ( Christians ) believe in Christ and trust Him for salvation. Jewish people depend on the Sabbath and the Law of Moses. big difference.
  2. G

    Not By Works

    right. just like some want to say that we are saved by grace, maintained by works. like you. and then , the Sermon on the mount, the gold standard for Christian behavior, is brought up, and that person is asked if they uphold those standards 24/ 7, the person refuses to answer. like you.
  3. G

    Should we live like Jersus lived?

    Paul clearly states in Romans 2 " the gentiles, who do not have the Law... ", so there is that. and , in Leviticus 26, after the Law and everything else was given to Moses, God stated in v. 46- ".... I will remember the Covenant I made with their fathers who I brought out of Egypt..... what...
  4. G

    Should we live like Jersus lived?

    when you say " we " , you are referring to the jews. gentiles were never commanded to keep the feasts, the Law , or the Sabbath.
  5. G

    Not By Works

    how 'bout this= since you are not going to answer my question, then stop demanding others answer yours. fairness. honesty. these are things called Christian values . look them up sometimes, might be helpful...
  6. G

    Not By Works

    typical. you go on and on about obedience, until someone asks about YOUR obedience to the ultimate standards laid fourth in the Sermon on the mount, then you refuse to discuss it. 0 credibility when you speak of what others do, then refuse to do so about yourself.
  7. G

    Not By Works

    understanding? don't know. but 1 thing is for sure- you sure do not want to address the standards set fourth in the Sermon on the mount , and if you ( so big on obedience ) obey them 100% of the time...
  8. G

    Not By Works

    so, using actual greek words and their definitions is an " ad hominem ". well, since most of the New Testament is written in greek, maybe we should consider this language and its meanings.. again, you have no authority over Scripture, to do with as you will. this is what you are doing when you...
  9. G


    well, since gentiles were never under the Law, unless you are jewish, you were never commanded to keep the Sabbath, or any more of them. the N.T. is the instruction manual for the Christ followers.
  10. G

    Not By Works

    well, since I asked you 2 days ago and again yesterday about the Sermon on the Mount, and if you keep those standards 24/7, and you have yet to address this, perhaps you could go ahead and do so, and then I will address your post. fair enough??
  11. G

    Not By Works

    there is also a rule that banned people cannot just make up a new name, and come back. is that rule being applied here? in this thread? with a certain person?
  12. G

    Not By Works

    learn what? how to reject the meaning of words and just make up my own? ignore context and chronological order? no , fran, when I see a word, look up the definition, I accept that definition. that is called accepting truth. but, you and passing through. just keep making it up as you go along...
  13. G

    Not By Works

    so, in other words, you reject the actual definition of words because the actual definition does not fit your religious beliefs. no thank you, I will submit myself to the authority of Scripture, accept the definitions of words, and understand we are not saved by works. you are free to believe...
  14. G

    Not By Works

    sorry bro, words have definitions . the Biblical word for repent is metanoia. the definition of that word is ' a change of heart, a change of mind, '. a change of mind that will lead to a change of behavior. just what I said. submit yourself to what the Bible says and the accept the...
  15. G

    Not By Works

    maybe you could read the sermon on the mount, ( I told you this yesterday , you ignored it ), and then see if you keep that standard 100% of the time. because, at the end Jesus states "you shall be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect . " God's standard is perfection . can you be...
  16. G

    Not By Works

    repenting means a change of mind , which will lead to a change in behavior. it's all about belief. salvation is a gift. the minute you attach a " have to ' to it, then you just made it about you. it's not about you.
  17. G

    Not By Works

    sure. it's like this - we ae saved by grace through faith for good works. that is the order- salvation is from God the Father through Christ the Son, we have faith, trust ( belief ) in Him, and then we are empowered by the Holy Sprit to do good works. so, yes, we are to obey. but, obeying...
  18. G

    Not By Works

    the Gospel is " believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved ". and, as far as confession , the same sentence says " and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead '' it is not wise to quote half a sentence and build theology around it. trying to be deceptive......
  19. G

    Not By Works

    I understand Christian faith just fine. Jesus said to turn the other cheek. Jesus also made a whip and drove the money exchangers out of the temple. it's called balance. so, instead of addressing what I said, you attack me for saying it. argument tactic 101. and, one of us got banned and...
  20. G

    Not By Works

    maybe you guys should not say mockable things like touting confession, without going into any detail about what or how, just throwing it out there, and ignoring the first half of the very sentence he quoted. i.m sorry,, that is just plain silly and no thinking person is going to take that...