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  1. G

    Not By Works

    shocked? you do not know him very well. go back about a year and a half or so ago, in this same thread, and look the things he was saying in the peterjens persona ..
  2. G

    Not By Works

    see, right here. load of garbage. " believe in Jesus for transformation ". no, no , no. believe in Jesus for SALVATiON. then, transformation will come. and, now, I wil no longer address you . you have been " transformed " so much that you think it is fine to try to deceive the site and...
  3. G

    Not By Works

    I will address you directly this one time only. and this is for fran also. the reason I fight so hard is this- THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY- believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. you and others are offering another way. there is no other way. there is no " believe in Jesus...
  4. G

    Not By Works

    Jesus wants us to believe in Him. all these other requirements are man- made non-sense. " when I am lifted up, I will draw all men to Myself" not " I will draw all men to look deep inside and study their emotions , and share their experiences " that is worldly, psycho babble.
  5. G

    Not By Works

    right. no fruit- no salvation. but, that is where the conversation needs to end. when you start talking about how much fruit one bears, what time frame does one bear it, in then the focus turns from faith to works, which do NOT save. your salvation is not maintained by bearing fruit, fruit...
  6. G

    Not By Works

    ah, but see, consistently manifesting these fruits is a result of salvation. the Holy Sprit does not reside in non-believers. believe and receive. not do to get.
  7. G

    Not By Works

    so. in other words, truth, honesty?? nah. playing games and ducking actual issues? sign me UP!!
  8. G

    Not By Works

    one who got banned and came back under a different name is defending one who got banned and came back under a different name. of course. here is a thought for you and mr. jens- why don't you try handing out some apologizes for the one you have insulted and use honesty , like you whine about...
  9. G

    Not By Works

    just pulled this down to point out the " few words " from the 2nd paragraph. the " few words " are approximately 35 posts in the last 7 and 1/2 hours alone. " makes decision based on a few words."
  10. G

    Not By Works

    hey, give studyman some credit. his non-sense was just as bad, if not worse.
  11. G

    Not By Works

    just to add- pay attention to what one does, not just what one says. speaking of walking like Jesus, walking toward perfection, etc... while at the same time calling members old, bitter, blind, deaf and dumb. you will know a tree by it's fruit.
  12. G

    Not By Works

    so far, we have old and bitter, blind deaf and dumb. just in the last 5 hours or so. are you trying to get banned? ( again) ( for at least the 3rd time)?
  13. G

    Not By Works

    in have cat that had a stroke 5 years ago. ( she was about 7.) took a few weeks, but she pretty much recovered. thanks to God that your pet recovered.
  14. G

    Not By Works

    fran tells me I am harsh and mean. she says you are unloving. yet, we have ( not) followinghisteps directly saying that members are " old and bitter ." fran says nothing to that , but attacks you instead. classic.
  15. G

    Not By Works

  16. G

    Not By Works

    calling people old, twisted and bitter. the fruits of the sprit are flowing like a river today. not the Holy Sprit of course, but some sprit.
  17. G

    Not By Works

    notice, he refuses to see his own distasteful comment as a bad thing, then pivots and compares himself to Paul chastising the Jews , because they rejected the Gospel. many of us are choosing not to interact with him and any who do non-sense like this. and this is why.
  18. G

    Not By Works

    that was low. can't believe the former peterjens said this about someone else. follow his steps? who's steps? certainly not Jesus.
  19. G

    Are there foods a Christian should avoid?

    so no devils food cake? no diablo hot sauce from taco bell?
  20. G

    Satanic history of feminism Part: I

    hey , you do not know me, but as a fellow truther, you might want to go easy when you bring this up to others. most people do not know this, have never did any research on the left handed path, and all things ( including this) that are connected to it.