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  1. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    if you keep digging, you might find the truth that gentiles were never under the Law,, and were never commanded to keep the Sabbath, if you keep an openness to truth as you dig.
  2. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    when this guy fist came around, he was pushing the book of enoch . told me all I needed to know at that point.
  3. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    if folks would only allow the Holy Sprit to open their minds to what sin really is, then they would understand their desperate need for a Savior. but, sadly, as long as they minimize what sin truly is, and let their pride, sinful pride that is, rule their minds, they will continue to push...
  4. G

    Retire the Ten Commandments?

    equally as false is the flip side is after coming to Christ one must keep the Law and the Sabbath to correctly serve God.
  5. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    same thing I say- we are supposed to be focused on Christ, and they keep trying to drag us back to Sinai to look at the Law....
  6. G

    4 of Satan’s biggest lies to born-again believers

    here is a question for you that none of you sinless perfectionist will answer- if an amount of sin that a person commits will disqualify them from salvation, how much, how often, how many times does the person get forgiveness if they confess and ask?
  7. G

    Flat Earthers

    flat eathers do not think, they just believe in what they think.
  8. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    I have no issue with discussing anything in the Bible. but, you are not simply discussing it. you are glorifying it, throwing out hints all over the place that we Christ followers should be keeping it. and, as i asked you a few days ago, why can't we live the way the N.T. tells us? there are...
  9. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    well, our agreement was short - lived. this is a pile of garbage. Jesus did NOT come and die and rise to point the world back to the Torah. He came to point us toward Him. then, He sent Paul to the gentiles to tell them ( us) how to be saved, and then walk out that salvation. so, when folks...
  10. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    I see what you are saying, and I respect it. sites like this are a magnet to cults, and over the years , there have been plenty. so, when one seems to be talking about the Law at lot, It is easy assume it just another one. so, we can have peace. but, I would caution you to be 110% sure trust...
  11. G

    4 of Satan’s biggest lies to born-again believers

    the letter to the Galatians was written as a warning to not turn from trusting Christ for salvation and turn back to keeping the Law of Moses. so, yes, in that instance " falling from grace " means turning back to the Law. I hope you are not one of those Bible-thumpers who just throws out...
  12. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    but, why can't I follow the New Covenant instructions of right behavior? why do I have to keep the Law of Moses, which as a gentile, i was never under? see, i mention fruits of the Sprit, you say nothing. i mention mount of transfigeration , you say nothing. you keep going back to the Law as...
  13. G

    4 of Satan’s biggest lies to born-again believers

    nope. total lie. Paul clearly states that our salvation is NOT of ourselves, but a gift of God. so, if one has to properly obey, then that makes it of oneself . obedience is a result of salvation , not a maintainer.
  14. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    and this is what I was saying- backdoor Law keeping . thanks for conforming what I pretty much knew- we maintain righteousness by keeping the Law. nothing new, just another judeaizer.
  15. G

    4 of Satan’s biggest lies to born-again believers

    this is true, but the here is the biggest lie- belief and faith and trust in Christ is not enough and will not save you, you have to earn or maintain your salvation. that is the biggest lie.
  16. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    it does make sense, and I basically agree. let me be clear, I have nothing against anyone who choses to keep the twilight fri- twilight sat, as God commanded Moses at Sinai, then that is 100% fine. but, if any says or implies that one " has to" or " should " , then that is wrong. we should...
  17. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    ah, but here is the thing- when a person comes to Christ, and truly believes , then that person is saved, and the Holy Sprit comes inside of that person. then, that person will consistently ( not perfectly ) manifest the fruits of the Sprit. to which Paul said "against these their is no Law"...
  18. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    it seems like what they are backdoor saying is " if you are not following the Law and keeping the Sabbath ( they will not say it is not required ) , then you are living a careless sinless lifestyle". could be wrong, but that is the feeling I get....
  19. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    but here is what e.g. is saying - who is saying this?? where is it? who is saying that " all we have to do is proclaim belief in Christ, and then how we live and what we do does not matter". where is this being typed out?
  20. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    yes, I am. the definition of a Christian is a Christ follower. not jewish. Christians trust Christ for salvation. judeaizers trust the Law of Moses and the Sabbath . very clear difference.