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  1. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    me also. but, that does not answer the question. Shabbat or not? requirement or not?
  2. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    Sabbath? twilight fri-twilight Sat. ? required for Christ followers ? yes or no?
  3. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    no need to. we can see right now. if Law/Sabbath keeping has nothing to do with salvation through Christ, then one does not have to keep the jewish Sabbath to be saved, right??
  4. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    think of what John recorded Jesus telling the Pharisees - " you search the Scriptures, thinking you will find eternal life. the Scriptures point to me, yet you will not come to me". the judeaizers do the same thing today.
  5. G

    Easy to Preach, Hard to Practice?

    well, here is something- when you see the things going on in the sinful, fallen world, as in drag queen storytime, being told people can choose your own gender, the U.S should have open borders and PAY for everything for the people coming in, abortion , the gay agenda , the media telling...
  6. G

    Retire the Ten Commandments?

    this is almost laughable. you quoted Ephesians 2. well, if you read the entire thing, you will see in v.9, Paul states we are saved by grace , through faith , for good works. if one has to keep the jewish Sabbath, then that is not salvation by grace, is it?? and, in v.15, Paul states that...
  7. G

    Retire the Ten Commandments?

    no, no issue with Sabbath keeping. if anyone chooses to take their day of rest, as God said to rest one day a week, on twilight fri-twlight sat., that is fine. but, when judeaizers like you tell these bald-face lies that one HAS to keep the Sabbath , as God told Israel ( only ) at Sinai, then I...
  8. G

    Retire the Ten Commandments?

    ah, just more judeaizer propaganda and bait and switch with Scripture. pressed for time right now, so i'll do the super easy debunk- who wrote Revelations? John the beloved. who wrote the letter of 1st John? same guy. in the 3rd chapter of that letter , verses 21-24, He explains that the...
  9. G

    July Daytona Race

    yes, there is nothing " stock" about stock car racing anymore, has not been for a long time...
  10. G

    Not By Works

    yes, many have sound theology, but they find a way to interject self, doing to maintain, and ( sadly ) this undercuts all their good theology.
  11. G

    Not By Works

    " forth, we do good so we be assured our right standing before God.....' if one has to do good to assure good standing, then that ( to me ) says works salvationism, of course believers should be doing good works, but if we have to do them to maintain anything then we are saving ourselves.
  12. G

    Not By Works

    just more works salvationism noise...
  13. G

    What happens if you don't tithe?

    know a Levite priest to put in charge of receiving it??
  14. G

    What happens if you don't tithe?

    yes, unless your church has a storehouse to bring your offerings ( produce livestock ) into, you ain't tithing like Malachi said..
  15. G

    Retire the Ten Commandments?

    there are over 33,000 verses in the Bible. the few you posted do not nullify all the rest. and no one has taught me about this. I am not parroting anything. I have read the Bible all the way through many times, I know what it says and what it does not say. the Law was for the nation of Israel...
  16. G

    Retire the Ten Commandments?

    how could keep the letter of the Law when they did not have the Law?? and, once again, the language here is very clear- the Covenant was between Israel and God. and anyone who choose to live in that nation had to keep the Law . and, in the N.T., what was a proselyte? a gentile who converted to...
  17. G

    Border "Concentration" Camps

    yes, people need to wake up to all the lies we are being force-fed...
  18. G

    Border "Concentration" Camps

    I am going to echo trump's word - if people would stop coming illegally , then we are not having this issue. when these facilities are overcrowded as they are, then it is not going to be a good situation anyone.
  19. G

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    yes, Peter denied Jesus 3 times, 3 times Jesus asked if he loved Him. also, Peter came back, judas did not. he went back to the high priests , then hanged himself.