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  1. Dino246

    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    I'm not comfortable with the title "pastor", but it makes a clear distinction and it works for most people. In our case, the pastor is a paid position, and he answers to the elders as a body. The elders make decisions regarding the practical application of doctrine, such as whether females may...
  2. Dino246

    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    Our congregation appoints "elders" from within the congregation, and hires "pastors" from outside. That said, most of those hired have been within our denomination for years, so they aren't merely "hirelings".
  3. Dino246


    I see that you can muster neither the intestinal fortitude nor the respect to address me directly, and choose instead to stoop to slanderous personal comments. How long have you been a Christian? A week?
  4. Dino246


    The commentary is, sadly, just a bunch of circular reasoning. Your attribution of "feminist perversion" to a first-century situation is ridiculously anachronistic. Paul did not write in 1 Timothy 2:12 that "women" must be silent; he is referring to a woman... singular. In context, it is likely...
  5. Dino246

    More confidence in salvation

    Write your responses, but don't post them. Come back a while later and re-read them, editing where necessary to keep from incriminating yourself. ;)
  6. Dino246

    Part 3 Enter through the narrow Gate: Pick your fruit from the right tree

    You can suggest anything you like, but it will be more fruitful if you simply ask and stop making assumptions. Better yet, don't worry about it.
  7. Dino246

    More confidence in salvation

    Circular reasoning at its finest.
  8. Dino246

    Part 3 Enter through the narrow Gate: Pick your fruit from the right tree

    If that's what the Scripture tells you, then why don't you believe it?
  9. Dino246

    Part 3 Enter through the narrow Gate: Pick your fruit from the right tree

    The posts that I refuted? You might want to rethink that strategy.
  10. Dino246

    Bible Vs Scientism

    You have been reproved many times, yet you have not changed your ways. What will be your remedy in the day of judgment?
  11. Dino246


    Alisha, could you please provide some context. Very few people are going to watch a video. Tell us what the video addresses (your title is insufficient), why you think others should watch it, and how long it is.
  12. Dino246

    Bible Vs Scientism

    ResidentAlien is referring to the Greek, not some "foreign language". The New Testament was written in Greek. That you conclude he is "of the devil" because he refers to the original language of the text demonstrates that you are both profoundly ignorant and extremely judgmental. You call...
  13. Dino246

    Bible Vs Scientism

    What about genuine science, or, to reference the Greek term, genuine knowledge? Would you know the difference?
  14. Dino246

    Part 3 Enter through the narrow Gate: Pick your fruit from the right tree

    Go ahead and explain... with Scripture. I look forward to reading your fantasy novella.
  15. Dino246


    The passage says nothing whatsoever about women in general. Shall we list all the sinful and, wicked males mentioned in Scripture? That would take too long. How about we limit the list to sinful, wicked male leaders? Shall we conclude then that males should not be in leadership at all, because...
  16. Dino246


    Yawn. Try being relevant... and respectful. Start by acknowledging your shameful editing of Hebrews 6.
  17. Dino246

    Part 3 Enter through the narrow Gate: Pick your fruit from the right tree

    Doing so wouldn't change the fact that your comments about Romans 10 are incorrect.
  18. Dino246


    I'm not confused at all. I see no marker indicating a link, and would have no reason to think there is one. What you quoted skipped some important and very relevant words. You have already made your own conclusions about me; I see no reason to confuse you with the truth.
  19. Dino246


    What a shameful misrepresentation of Scripture! Here are verse 5-6 WITH the words you conveniently left out: "And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of...
  20. Dino246


    Please don't post links in more than one place.