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  1. Dino246


    I don't know about the "hoping heaven would approve" part, as that is not in Scripture. Otherwise, I agree.
  2. Dino246

    Jesus name

    Actually, it isn't. Though Elohim is used of God, it is neither uniquely used of Him nor is it a name. It is a plural word meaning "non-corporeal intelligent entity". In addition to God, the word is also used of angelic/divine beings and even the disembodied spirit of Samuel.
  3. Dino246

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Simple to you, but meaningless bafflegab to anyone with a sound understanding of physics. It isn't a "law" at all. That you keep claiming it is, despite being corrected several times, demonstrates your ignorance... or your stubbornness, or both.
  4. Dino246


    The KJV translation of the word of God says "wives". Whether you do your homework on the word is up to you.
  5. Dino246

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Thanks for your response. I will encourage you to apply your own advice: Don't assume so much. I believe without reservation that God caused something to occur in Joshua's day, such that, at the very least, the sun appeared to stand still for about a day. Whether it actually stood still, or the...
  6. Dino246

    Appointing elders/pastors from within the congregation

    Did I imply that nobody is selfish? NO. I'm done with you on this. I'll leave you in your self-righteousness judgement of others.
  7. Dino246

    Appointing elders/pastors from within the congregation

    Okay, you will be judged as you judge. Your choice. :)
  8. Dino246

    Appointing elders/pastors from within the congregation

    The reality is that most churches don't have qualified instructors to teach aspiring young pastors all the necessary knowledge and skills. Who in the average church of 100 people knows enough Greek and Hebrew to teach? The pastor? Probably not; few pastors have more than rudimentary biblical...
  9. Dino246

    What do you think about sharing household chores?

    Sharing chores around the home is wise, but should be balanced with the requirements each partner has to their work outside the home. It's ridiculous to expect someone who works full time to share chores equally with a partner who does not.
  10. Dino246


    The word rendered "wives" in Gen. 6:2 is also legitimately rendered "women". The marital union is implied by context in most cases, but not here.
  11. Dino246

    The Gates of Hades are upon us, but it's not what you think

    I heard it said recently that a better way to translate the verse is this: "I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not withstand it." (credit to M.S. Heiser) That throws quite a different slant on the verse. It shows the Church victorious, rather than cowering in looming defeat.
  12. Dino246


    @HeIsHere : Why the face? You posted an "Indifferent" icon on my recommendation of a book.
  13. Dino246

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    You're welcome to your opinion, but you can neither prove it by Scripture nor by testing. It was a one-time event, outside the realm of testable science. Meanwhile, you are STILL avoiding dealing with the Sydney Opera House shadows, YEARS after I originally posted the pictures. You're the one...
  14. Dino246

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Nobody needs to explain it, because it's a miracle. Let's focus on what is observable, repeat(able), and testable. Miracles aren't in that category. Northward shadows South of the Tropic of Capricorn are.
  15. Dino246


    You are skirting the edges of heresy.
  16. Dino246


    I understand that. If I were ever to post something directly against Scripture then you would be justified. I didn’t, and you aren’t. Did you read the post to which I responded? Do you understand why I wrote what I wrote? Do you understand what “biological progeny“ means?
  17. Dino246

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Yawn. Still no response.
  18. Dino246

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Yawn... still no response to the evidence I have presented.
  19. Dino246


    Sometimes I wonder whether you think before responding, or, seeing that it is my post, you just look for something to criticize and snap off a retort. Think this issue through before responding further.
  20. Dino246


    Using ordinary terms without appropriate caveats is no more helpful. In this case it would be highly misleading because Jesus is not God's biological progeny.