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  1. G

    Who will Win

    trump is not going back in. I TOLD YOU SO.
  2. G

    Who will Win

    '' just waiting on them to show up and take their lumps for what happened yesterday. i have been on record for 2 months telling them that trump was at first not likely and, as time went on , no chance he was going back in. i have my " i told you so's " ready to handout.
  3. G

    Who will Win

    well, it is jan. 7. i told and have been telling all the trumpers that biden was going in, and pence was not going to do anything about the election fraud. I TOLD YOU SO.
  4. G

    Who will Win

    and this is one of the main reasons i have been saying for weeks that trump is not going back in. it would have taken a unified front to get things set right, and early on it became obvious that was never going to happen.
  5. G

    Who will Win

    i basically agree with this, but out of respect , i will use the term no more.
  6. G

    Who will Win

    so, a cult does not like being called a cult. what a surprise that is. but, out of respect of being asked, i will say it no more.
  7. G

    Who will Win

    no one is marching with nazis in d c today. the proud boys are not nazis. media created lie .
  8. G

    Who will Win

    this is why i call the " cult of trump". cult members never say anything negative about their leader and defend the leader at all costs. this is what you guys do. i am not happy about trump losing, certainly not happy about how the election was stolen . but, he and no one else did anything...
  9. G

    Who will Win

    Q might as well go dark, all they do is keep their followers IN the dark. can't wait to see what they come up with when today in washingtion, their is protests, shouting, meetings, speeches, filibusters, and maybe a few electors flip for trump, but then, biden is confirmed. let's see if the...
  10. G

    Who will Win

    voting is supposed to done in 2 ways- requested absentee ballots with matching signatures then mailed in , or voting at a polling place. just dumping ballots in the mail and then having people dropping them off at drop boxes is ripe for fraud, and that is what happened
  11. G

    Who will Win

    cnn =fake news.
  12. G

    Who will Win

    as the republican senators took the lead in ga,, one of the most populated and democratic counties in atlanta, dekalb county, is slow rolling their vote count, most likely seeing how many the dems need to win, and dropping them as needed as the night goes on.....
  13. G

    Who will Win

    and the mainstream media is like a wave machine, just keeping most folks snoozing away.....
  14. G

    Who will Win

    the atlanta news this morning is saying " remember to put your ballots in the drop boxes located around town". the same fraud is happening again folks. the same players down here in ga, are doing the same thing.
  15. G

    Science and the bible

    sun. afternoon, i walked outside my house, looked up at a bright blue sky with thin swirling clouds , with a huge flock of blackbirds flying over. only a creator could make such things. i know this is about science , but we all should look at nature and give thanks and glory to God for His...
  16. G

    Trump, on tape, presses Ga. official to ‘find’ Trump votes

    oh, i agree. but, you have got folks calling for trump's arrest because of the phone call. those unhinged dems are crazy...
  17. G

    How many of you believe COVID 19 is a biological weapon?

    ah, so it is o.k to talk about population control if is africans,... o.k. got it. and, how about his statements on getting carbon and population growth down to zero?? is that just for africa or is it all inclusive??
  18. G

    Trump, on tape, presses Ga. official to ‘find’ Trump votes

    sometimes, i wonder if all the trumpers that are hoping that the election gets overturned ever think about what would happen if that actually happened. the rioting and destruction that would ensue would make the george floyd stuff look like a church picnic,,,
  19. G

    How many of you believe COVID 19 is a biological weapon?

    1. go to youtube. 2. type in " bill gates ted talk depopulation ". 3. watch multiple videos of him saying just what i said he did,
  20. G

    Who will Win

    you do realize that 30 seconds clipped out of a hour or so long phone call is not treason, treason is releasing classified information, which was releasing the phone call ( to the fake news washington post). you trump haters are as much of a cult as the trump fangirls and boys sre. all it...