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  1. G

    Who will Win

    that is what happens when people believe internet conspiracy theories, and think Q is going to fix everything. Q has a major hand in what happened at the u.s, capital...
  2. G

    Who will Win

    you must be mistaken me for someone else, i have been bashing Q for months, i have never bought into them. and i am vocal about conspiracy theories . like trump magically going back in, total conspiracy theory. never bought into it. trump was right about the virus back in march- his...
  3. G

    Who will Win

    my faith in God through Christ has nothing to do with who is president and who is not. and, i have no fear , i have reality . and reality is that the election was stolen, trump stood by and let it happen, and no one did anything afterwards . trump is done, biden is going in. that my friend...
  4. G

    The Great Reset, Build Back Better?!

    right, that is the way it should be done. but, in the case i was speaking off, the 8 cases were listed on public record as positive cases for athens, ga, and thus listed as positive case ga,. and thus listed as positive cases for america, now, if ( and it most likely is) happening all over the...
  5. G

    Who will Win

    oh, i does not sway my mind. it just ticks me off.
  6. G

    Who will Win

    but, David, Joseph, and the other O.T. heroes did not quit. yesterday, trump conceded. he threw his supporters under the bus. and, go on with your false hope of " trump did not use the word" all you want, it will not change anything. 2 weeks from. biden is pres. , no arrests will have been...
  7. G

    Who will Win

    it's over, biden going in, america going down. no arrests, traitors running free, Q lied.
  8. G

    Who will Win

    i meant the story was about how hard the cops were on b l m , and how easy they were on the protests on wed.
  9. G

    Who will Win

    just say on the atlanta cbs station do a story on how easy the cops were on the violet capitol protesters vs. the peaceful black lives matter protests back in the summer. they put it out there just like that... and stuff like that, just rubbing people's faces in the dirt, is one big thing that...
  10. G

    Who will Win

    hahahhaha/ dude, give it up. log out of Q and never log back it. you have ( and many others sadly) have been scammed. for the 100th time, nothing is going to happen. no arrests . the luciferians and pedophiles will carry on, as they have and as the will till Jesus himself returns and stops...
  11. G

    The Great Reset, Build Back Better?!

    so sorry to hear about your loved ones passing. when i say the virus is overhyped, i am referring to the media response, and the constant pushing of the numbers, which ARE overblown, i personally know of company in my city where 2 people in a section of ten tested positive . the other 8...
  12. G

    Who will Win

    when they trotted out the neil ferguson covid death chart to trump, and he went with it, he was done,' his initial thoughts about the virus were correct, overblown media hoax. if he would have stood strong and not enabled the lockdowns, he might have won. but, he caved to the deep state ...
  13. G

    Who will Win

    they stole the election this year, and got away with it with no consequence. why would they not just do it again?? and again??
  14. G

    Who will Win

    none of this will matter if all the voter fraud issues are not fixed. and, since the party now in charge is biggest benefactor of the fraud, there is no reason to believe that 2 or 4 years will be any different.
  15. G

    Who will Win

    not all the way. you and i have a bit of common ground on trump, a lot of common ground on how the hardcore team trump acts and carries on. ah, but the overblown, overcounted virus. and our common ground is gone....
  16. G

    Who will Win

    and the dems, who are about to be completely in power, will find a way to blame republicans for their agenda not getting done..
  17. G

    Who will Win

    it was antifa that actually broke into the building, just watched a video of trump supporters trying to stop them from breaking the window, and the crowd was booing them. but, once they broke in, some of the idiot fringe in the crowd followed them in, taking the bait, acting like teenagers at...
  18. G

    Who will Win

    ah, lin wood. he makes alex jones ( who i like by the way) look like an npr radio host. you guys can keep letting Q lead you around by the nose, and keep promising and moving goal posts and "trust the plan" , i will live in the real world, biden/harris will be sworn in, no doubt.
  19. G

    Who will Win

    alright. i will withhold the " i told you so's" until after biden is sworn in ( that is 100% going to happen).
  20. G

    Who will Win

    i am not happy trump lost, i have issues with him , but in no way do i want or support the evil that is coming. ( the antics of yesterday made it worse). but, if you go back over my posts, i gave trump a 35% chance of going back in right after the election, with that % steadily dropping since...