when Jesus said " keep My commands", he was referring to what He said while on earth, not what God the Father said to Moses at Sinai.
the truth of Trinity......
this is what i mean by the language thing-
what will land one in the lake of fire is non trust and faith in belief in Jesus.
if the gauge is how much one sins or not, then it is up to works or lack of good works.
and that directly contradicts Scripture.
by grace through faith for good works...
and since you reject the language that the N.T. was written in, and in insisting on your own private interpretation , that would make a lot of what you say simply invalid, right??
did you read what i wrote?
the c d c counts confirmed or suspected covid deaths and cases.
hospitals and medial centers here in america get extra stimulus money for positive covid cases and even more $$ for covid deaths.
so, that system that the gov. ( under trump by the way) created is just...
if you actually read what the c d says about coding covid deaths, they say that " confirmed or suspected" covid can be listed as a covid death.
overblown, overcounted hoax...
or the powers that be have turned down the numbers to make the poison vax look good.
no vax for me. i have an immune system, and i am not afraid to use it.
sadly , that true. we ( america) do hate each other.
why do we hate each other?
the media and the divide and conquer institutions called colleges.
do yourself a favor- look up " operation mockingbird ".
it will explain how and why the media does what it does..
in case you have never noticed this- it is dark, then a slight light comes on the land that gets brighter as the comes up.
so, if i go outside at 6 am in my area, their will be light in the sky, but still dark outside....
Christians should dig their heels into faith and trust in Christ, for that is what says..
those words have meanings.
do you need me to define them for you ( again)??
ah, but the women did not go to the Tomb until sun. morning, so Jesus rose AFTER the Sabbath ended at sundown.
the jews kept days from twilight to twilight.
can't ignore that.
the atlanta braves baseball team has seen doing a vaccine drive offering free tickets to a game if you get a jab at their location.
yep, bribery to get a vax.
soon- no vax, no entry...
you mean like that in your mind, the flu cases in america 99.5 % disappeared because of masks and social distancing?
no chance flu was counted as covid??
like the dozens of folks whom i have heard calling radio stations with stories of vax side effects, they are all lying or just paid shills...